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Exchange Team Blog

Get your own copy of Office 2007 Beta 2, now!

The_Exchange_Team's avatar
May 24, 2006

KC just pointed out to me that Office 2007 Beta 2 is now available for everyone to download and test. In order to get it, you should go to this page:

If you are on Exchange 2007 BETA or have installed the Exchange 2007 CTP, this is something you might want to look into and test as Outlook 2007 has several features that work only against Exchange 2007 Server.

Happy testing,

- Nino Bilic

Updated Jul 01, 2019
Version 2.0
  • We just downloaded Office Proffessional Plus 2007 beta from microsoft. The application is great, but Microsoft Outlook does not work properly with Exchange 2003. OUtlook 2007 installs properly, it take s time to load teh application and then it just closes the Outlook and says there is an error and it starts reporting.

    Here are the error's that we are getting.

    Error ID 5000
    Error ID 1000

    The description for Event ID ( 5000 ) in Source ( Microsoft Office 12 ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. You may be able to use the /AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this description; see Help and Support for details. The following information is part of the event: office12asserttimer, p1ml, 12.0.4017.0, 5, 1, NIL, NIL, NIL, NIL, NIL, NIL.
  • I downloaded it and it seems to be working fine with our Installation of Exchange 2003. - we have E23K - SP 2 (running on Windows 2003 Ent) the workstation is XP SP2.
  • WE HAVE EXCHANGE 2003 SERVICE PACK 2 standard version not enterprise. I did check we have O/S client Windows XP pro version. What are your suggestions we do?

    I thi k Exchane 12 and Office 2007 are great products. It has lot of functionality that we can use to move further.

    If you I have Live meeting subscription from Microsoft, I can show you the errors.

    Just a not I do have around 80000 messages in my exchange e mail box. There are lot of rules that route e mails to specific folders.

    Please advice


    SAmeer Suri
  • Sameer, try connecting it to a mailbox with only a few messages and no rules - as a starter to see if this could be the problem.
    Although OLK 2007 works with our Exchange environment it does seem to be prone to the occasional crash (which I kinda expect as it is still an early beta), I have mainly tracked this down to DNS settings on the Workstations that the program is running on (which is around 9).
    I agree with you, Office 2007 does seem to be very good (although I think the change in interface in some of the applications is going to freek some of my users), hope that this helps.
  • Nino, you mention that there are several features of Outlook 2007 that only work with Exchange 2007.  Care to share these, or provide a pointer to the documentation that lists them?
  • i a getting the sameerrors but in a non exchange enviroment how ever I am using Mapi o retreive ail from Exchange
