@ May 14 2021 02:10 PM
Based on some testing here is some feedback:
- The bug mentioned about partial day bookings blocking the whole day is still current
- I found a problem where if you also send a Teams Meeting as part of your booking you get a declined, due to the error "Two or more spaces can not be booked at the same time". This is a problem as people in our organization have Teams set up to always be a there when you create an Outlook event. (as shown here: https://youtu.be/P4FG3hLfE0c)
- If you select 'Type: Workspace", and then change the building location, if flips back to 'Conference Room', a little bit annoying.
- Workspaces are set to 'Busy' by default, would be nice if this did not happen. (I know this is documented in your instructions, but I kept forgetting this in my testing, users won't remember)
- Hybrid rooms seem to work OK, you need to set some properties on-prem, and the rest online. I don't see any reason to build the rooms on prem though, as even the Cloud Only rooms show for everyone, even with our auto discover being on-prem.
- Rooms take 24 hours to show as per documented, not sure why it has to take so long.
- You get an error when running 'Set-Place' on newly created rooms 'Encountered an internal server error' (I know the documentation says wait as per the last bullet, but the command still seems to run OK, just throws an error)
- Outlook 2016 can still book the room using Room Finder, they just don't get the 'Workspace' drop down.
- Remaining capacity is not shown in the room list. Only total capacity and availability status.
- Android App shows Floor, Outlook Client does not
- You can't select Features. It shows 'Not available for workspaces', even though you can set properties such as IsWheelChairAccessible
It's 2022/10 and most of the annoying things out of the list above are still there 😞 Any outlook to fix these soon? The_Exchange_Team ?