Campus Connections Summit (CCS) convenes higher education senior campus leaders in a global gathering to share best practices, explore strategies, and engage in dialogue with colleagues around digital transformation in higher education.
On February 1-2nd, the 5th annual CCS: Education Transformation: From Recovery to Reimagine, will dive into the recent events that have created a catalyst to dramatically shift the importance of technology’s role in higher education and created a transformation imperative for higher education worldwide.
Seemingly overnight we transitioned from a “Why?” digital transformation conversation to “How much?” and “How quickly?”. As we face a new world of work and changing economies, innovation and collaboration are more important now than ever before. At Microsoft, we have a mission to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. We support higher education efforts to digitally transform with innovative tools to enable student success, collaborative teaching, learning, and research, safe and secure environments, as well as data and identity protection. Join us at CCS 2021, a unique forum for individual and collaborative exploration of the possibilities and partnerships that will change our world.
Please note the following:
- All sessions will be provided in English.
- Event participants will be added to the Microsoft Higher Education Community Teams site in preparation for the Campus Connections Summit.
- The Summit will run live February 1-2, 2021 to accommodate various time zones. Registration is required & you may register for any sessions that you would like to join.
- E-mail: please register with your Microsoft associated e-mail account. If unable or unavailable please note you might not be able to access the Microsoft Higher Education Community Team. Tip: Here’s how to associate your account.
- Please use the checkboxes to register for more than one event.
For more details and full agenda at Campus Connections Summit (
Updated Feb 01, 2021
Version 2.0Lee_Stott
Joined September 25, 2018
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