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MEM – Windows 10 Kiosk Troubleshooting Common Problems

TanTran's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Dec 02, 2020

Hi IT Pros,

There is a need to run the Windows 10 kiosk mode with its beautiful, illuminative screen in the reception area of your Corporate Office or in the conference room, also there are the needs to run Windows 10 kiosk mode with specialized tool in Hospital operation room, Manufacturer plant, …


        Beautiful screen of Windows 10 Kiosk mode:

Setup Windows 10 kiosk device by Endpoint Manager

You will need to follow the steps in Microsoft document about “Deploy Microsoft Edge Legacy kiosk mode” (1-17-2020). In short, you would need to create the following:

  • a device restriction profile with Edge browser settings
  • a Windows 10 platform, kiosk configuration profile with the applications to be run by Windows Kiosk Device.

Examples of Kiosk Configuration Profile:



The easiest way to configure the application launched in Kiosk mode is using AUMID application, 

  • ApplicationUserModelId (AUMID), is Identifier for Universal App (UWP) installed within User 's profile.
  • AUMID is a combination of PackageFamilyName and PackageRelativeApplicationID
  • To get the list of AUMID installed for all users from a Windows 10 devices,  run powershell command:                                                                > get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Select Name, Version, PackageFullName | Export-csv C:\temp\AppxList.csv
    • AUMID List generated by the above command:


An Example of Kiosk Mode with Applications assigned by AUMID


You may want to check one application as the default app and it will be automatically launched at sign-in time.




Besides the Troubleshooting guide from Microsoft document, Troubleshoot kiosk mode issues.

I have observed the other common setup problems, which prevent Windows 10 Kiosk mode from working properly.



  1. Incorrect Local Sign in Account Name.
  • Whatever sign-in account we configured in Kiosk Profile, that account has to be accessible at targeted kiosk device.
  • If we set up the Kiosk Profile with local sign in account, it has to be existed as local account in targeted windows 10 device,

In the following example, the “LocalKioskUser” account in profile matching to the Computer Management – User account named LocalKioskUser on target kiosk device:


  1. Local Kiosk Account is member of the local "Administrators" group

The sign-in local account must not be a member of the Administrator group.

If it is, windows will operate in normal mode.

  1. Edge Chromium is installed instead of Edge Legacy

You will need to uninstall Edge Chromium because the engine which runs the Windows Kiosk Configuration Profile is originally designed for Edge legacy.

This may change in the short future but up to this point of time, you have to use Edge legacy for Windows 10 Kiosk mode. (For more information on Edge Chromium vs Edge Legacy, you could read another article here)


  1. There is mismatch in "Use Microsoft Edge kiosk mode" setting in the Device Restriction Configuration Profile and Kiosk Configuration Profile. You need to configure these 2 profiles in accordance with each other.
  2. By default, the "Device restrictions" configuration profile has the value of "Use Microsoft Edge kiosk mode" is set to No:


Changing the “Use Microsoft Edge kiosk mode” to the appropriate kiosk option matching with the Kiosk Configuration Profile as shown in the following example image:


  1. Autopilot Profile is missing If you deploy image by Autopilot.

         It is used for initial kiosk setup, no specific setting is required but the profile itself.

  1. Reboot is not proceeded on kiosk device after a change in kiosk profile setting.

 If all of the above configuration settings are setup correctly and kiosk mode is still not working as  expected, the Device may need to be synchronized with Endpoint Manager and reboot to have kiosk profile updated with new setting change.


Result example, Windows 10 Kiosk with Bing Weather autolaunch.

  • Sign-in as localkioskuser

  • After about 2 seconds, the Bing Weather will be automatically launched as shown:

  •        After about 3 to10 seconds, the Bing Weather detail screen will be impressively shown.

  • To get other apps, you could move your mouse to the top right corner to close the current app, and then, open another one.


To Repurpose kiosk devices:

Once the assigned access feature, (kiosk mode) with multi-app configuration is applied on the device, certain policies are enforced system-wide, and will impact other users on the device. You will need to reset to factory default or reimage devices to clear all the policies.


Running Windows 10 Kiosk by Edge Chromium

We may revisit this topic, Windows 10 kiosk with Edge Chromium newer version in the future.

I hope the information is useful, 

Until next time.




Updated Mar 06, 2021
Version 11.0
  • That`s cool, my article is mentioned as Workaround for Edge Chromium in Kiosk Device 🙂