A little over two months ago we announced public preview for the Azure SQL Migration extension for Azure Data Studio to ease your database migrations from SQL Server to Azure SQL. Today, we are pleased to announce the extension updates for November 2021 which include features that will enhance your overall experience when migrating databases.
1. Support for migration of databases from SQL Server on Linux to Azure SQL Managed Instance / SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machine
Databases from SQL Server running on a Linux Operating System can now be migrated to Azure SQL Managed Instance or SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machine (Azure SQL VM) using the Azure SQL Migration extension for Azure Data Studio.
Fig 1.1 Take database backups for SQL Server on Linux OS
Fig 1.2 Mount Azure file share on Linux server and provide the location in Azure Data Studio
To learn more about this feature, see Migrate SQL Server on Linux using the Azure SQL Migration extension for Azure Data Studio.
2. Monitor migrations started from Azure Data Studio using the Azure Portal
With this update, database migrations that are initiated using the Azure SQL Migration extension for Azure Data Studio can be monitored from the Azure Database Migration Service page in the Azure Portal. You can also check the status of your self-hosted integration runtime from the Azure Portal without connecting to the machine where it is installed. Detailed monitoring of database migration progress (backups-restore), detailed monitoring of self-hosted integration runtime and management operations of the Azure Database Migration Service for migrations initiated from Azure Data Studio are also coming soon in the Azure Portal.
To view the status of your database migration, logon to the Azure Portal and simply search for your Azure Database Migration Service in the search bar. Select your Azure Database Migration Service and see the updated page for monitoring.
Fig 2.1 Monitor status of your database migrations in the Azure Portal
3. Save and close Migrate to Azure SQL wizard in Azure Data Studio (to resume later)
With the Save and close button in the Migrate to Azure SQL wizard, you can save and exit the wizard at any step without losing the information you entered. When you re-launch the Migrate to Azure SQL wizard after saving, you will be prompted to either start afresh or resume from where you left with all the information pre-filled (except any credentials that you will be asked to re-enter).
Fig 3.1 Save and close the 'Migrate to Azure SQL' wizard
4. Retry database migrations (to recover from failure)
When encountering an error resulting in a database migration failure, there could be scenarios that require manual intervention to fix the error (for example, if you entered incorrect credentials for your source SQL Server). With the Retry migration option, you can re-launch the Migrate to Azure SQL wizard (with pre-filled information you previously entered) to fix the error and retry the same migration.
Fig 4.1 Retry migration that encountered an error
5. Skip database readiness assessment for users with limited permissions
To assess your database(s) for readiness to Azure SQL, the SQL Server login used should be a member of the sysadmin server role or have CONTROL SERVER
permission. If you are unable to provide the right level of permission, you now have the option to acknowledge that you have performed an assessment of your database manually or using other tools and thereby proceed with your database(s) migration.
Note: This is also helpful in scenarios where you are unable to perform database assessment in other public clouds, like Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) or Google Cloud SQL, that do not provide native SQL Server roles like sysadmin. |
Fig 5.1 Skip assessment and proceed to migration
Stay tuned for more updates!