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Azure Database Support Blog

Lesson Learned #296:The value of the property '' is invalid: Value does not fall within the expected

Jose_Manuel_Jurado's avatar
Jan 21, 2023

Today, we got an new service request that our customer is facing an error message when testing the connection in a Linked Service to Azure SQL MI from ADF:" The value of the property '' is invalid: 'Value does not fall within the expected range.'. Value does not fall within the expected range. Activity ID: b6e998fa-xxxx-xxxx-xxx"


In this situation, our customer is facing this error from a connection failure from Azure Data Factory to Azure SQL Managed Instance using a System Managed Identity. 


Afer some investigations we identified that Managed Private Endpoints was missing after they created and approved it, our customer was able to connect from Azure Data Factory to Azure SQL Managed Instance using a System Managed Identity. 

Published Jan 21, 2023
Version 1.0
  • AlexisAraya's avatar
    Copper Contributor


    I have a similar problem with an Azure SQL DB.

    Did you find a solution?

    Best Regarts

  • zaidelhassani's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    But how to connect from Azure Data Factory to Azure SQL Managed Instance using a System Managed Identity?

  • to add your ADF to Azure SQLMI using a system managed identity:

    1. go to your Azure Data Factory blade in Azure Portal and enable Managed Identity

    2. use SQL SSMS to connect to Azure SQLMI with Entra Admin ID that you set when you created Azure SQLMI

    3. add ADF MSI service name (this is the name of your ADF)

       via the TSQL commands below:

    USE [yourdatabasename]


    CREATE USER  [yourdatafactorynamegoesherewithsquarebracket] FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER


    exec sp_addrolemember 'db_owner', 'yourdatafactorynamegoeshere'
