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Azure SQL Database to ADF connectivity using Azure Private Endpoint

YoBelwal's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
May 23, 2022

Recently, I came across a question where a user wanted to test Private endpoint connectivity from Azure Data Factory ( ADF) to Azure SQL Database. The Azure SQL server has Deny Public network access.

For this task, I created Data Factory and using Azure Self Hosted Integration runtime tested the desired connectivity. Below are the steps I followed. I started with creating an Azure Data Factory.


  • In the global search, search for Data factories.

  • Click on Create

  • Provide the required details

  • For the test, select Configure Git later and select review + create.
  • Once Data Factory is created then go to the created resource and in the overview, blade select Open Azure Data Factory Studio. This will open a new webpage.

  • In the newly opened weblink, go to Integration runtime and click on New


  • For the demo I selected integration runtime setup as Azure, Self-Hosted IR


  • Click continue and provide the required details


  • In the next tab, enable the Virtual network option.


  • In the data flow tab, you can select your desired setup or leave it to default settings.
  • Click on Create.
  • Once Integration Runtime is created, you can see it’s status in Integration Runtimes blade


  • Now, go to Managed Private Endpoint blade and click on New.


  • Select Azure SQL Database.


  • Provide the details of your Azure SQL Server for which you want to create private communication between ADF and Azure Database and click Create.



  •  You can see the provisioning state of the Managed Private Endpoint, it needs to be succeeded 



  • Now, let’s create a Linked service. Go to Linked Services and then select New


  • Search for Azure SQL Database and click on Continue



  • Provide the required details, but make sure you are providing the correct integration runtime details (the one we created in step 6).


  • To test connectivity, click on Test connection.


  • Once the test is successful, click on Create. You can check the status in Linked Services blade.


  • Now, let’s go to and in global search, search for Private endpoints


  • Go to pending connections tab and approve the pending Private link connection ( which we have just created)


  • Once it is approved, then to validate if you can fetch the data from ADF you can create a dataset. For this go to ADF weblink and then go to Author, then to dataset.


  • Search for Azure SQL Database


  • In the properties tab provide the required details, make sure to provide the correct linked service. Once it is selected click Ok.


  • Now, in the connection tab, select the required table name and then click on Preview data option to see the data.



Updated May 23, 2022
Version 1.0