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Pipeline Logic 1: Error Handling and Best Effort Step

ChenyeCharlieZhu's avatar
Jan 13, 2023

Series Overview

Orchestration allows conditional logic and enables user to take different based upon outcomes of a previous activity. Building upon the concepts of conditional paths, ADF and Synapse pipeline allows users to build versatile and resilient work flows that can handle unexpected errors that work smoothly in auto-pilot mode.

This is an ongoing series that gradually level up and help you build even more complicated logic to handle more scenarios. We will walk through examples for some common use cases, and help you to build functional and useful work flows.


Before dive deep into pipeline logics and building complicated work flows, we will start with the basic building blocks.

Conditional Paths

Azure Data Factory and Synapse Pipeline orchestration allows conditional logic and enables user to take different based upon outcomes of a previous activity. Using different paths allow users to build robust pipelines and incorporates error handling in ETL/ELT logic. In total, we allow four conditional paths,
Name Explanation
Upon Success (Default Pass) Execute this path if the current activity succeeded
Upon Failure Execute this path if the current activity failed
Upon Completion Execute this path after the current activity completed, regardless if it succeeded or not
Upon Skip Execute this path if the activity itself didn't run


You may add multiple branches following an activity, with one exception: "Upon Completion" path can't co-exist with either "Upon Success" or "Upon Failure" path. Note that for each pipeline run, at most one path will be activated, based on the execution outcome of the activity.

Activity Status

After an activity ran and completed, you may reference its status with @activity('ActivityName').Status. It will be either "Succeeded" or "Failed". We'll use this expression to build complicated work flow. 
Please note that an activity which was skipped would not have a Status field. Therefore, there will never be "Skipped" value in this field

Common Scenarios

Let's get our hands dirty and start building some work flows.

#1 Error handling and notifications

The single most important work flow logic in ADF is error handling and notification. It allows pipeline to invoke an error handling script or send out notification, when the step fails. It should be incorporated as best practice for all mission critical steps that needs fallback alternatives or logging. 

  1. Add the mission critical work step
  2. Add an error handling/logging/nonfiction step on Upon Failure path
  3. (Optional) add next steps on Upon Success path

#2 Best Effort Steps

Certain steps are less critical, and their failures shouldn't block the whole pipeline. For instance certain informative logging about the start/end of a job falls into this category. In such cases, we should adopt the best effort strategies
  1. Add the non-critical work step
  2. Add next step on Upon Completion path

 #3 Blocking Dependencies

It is often the requirements that a post processing script can only run if and only if all previous activities succeeded. For example, send out a success notification when all 3 copy activities succeeded. In ADF, the behavior can be achieved easily: declare multiple dependencies for the next step. Graphically, that means multiple lines pointing into the next activity.

To ensure that all previous activities all have succeeded, make the connections with Upon Success paths, like this

#4 Non-blocking Dependencies

You can also mix the Upon Success and Upon Completion paths in the above diagram, to declare some steps as non-blocking. Notice that the follow up step will still wait for all steps to complete, nonetheless it allows some activities to fail, adding resilience to the overall workflow.

In this case, the wait activity will still proceed, even when the ActivityFailed did not succeed.


Coming Up

In the next installment, we will advance to more complicated scenarios and discuss how to achieve OR in orchestration, to implement: 

  • Invoke a shared error handling/logging activity if any activity fails 
  • Proceeds to next step if at least one activity succeeds 
Updated Jan 24, 2023
Version 2.0
  • jikuja's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    Cool writing.


    Other next steps I would like to see here and in the documentation:


    * Full table how control flow activities handle failures thrown from internal activities

    * Examples for:

    • Evaluate outcome for all leaves activities. If a leaf activity was skipped, we evaluate its parent activity instead
    • Pipeline result is success if and only if all nodes evaluated succeed


    How does leaves work with control flow activities?

  • _MartinB's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    Hi ChenyeCharlieZhu,
    Thanks for sharing; the article is very helpful.

    Concerning `@activity('ActivityName')`

    I was asking myself already a couple of times: is there an elegant way to reference a direct successor activity not using the explicit name