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Azure Data Factory Blog

Download Azure Data Factory support files

DanielPerlovsky's avatar
Dec 02, 2019

While we hope you have a seamless experience creating data factory pipelines, issues do occasionally arise. When reaching out to Microsoft support, download the support files of the resource with one click in the UX. This will download a zip file that has all the information needed for us to investigate, diagnose, and solve whatever issue you may be having.


To download support files, do the following steps:

  1. Hover over the affected resource
  2. Click on the action ellipses
  3. Click "Download support files" and select the download location in local storage



This feature is currently available for all pipelines, datasets and data flows. 

Updated Dec 02, 2019
Version 2.0
  • I would love to use the source control integration - but unfortunately I cannot - having the option to export "support files" (.zip data) from powershell would be incredibly useful for me.



  • Piotr_Kalinski's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hi DanielPerlovsky ,

    I am now playing with CLI & Powershell and I am wondering if it is possible to download the support files programatically?
    I know we have the Get% commandlets (eg. Get-AzDataFactoryV2Pipeline) which we can later pass to the ConvertTo-Json, but unfortunately the output cant be later used by Set-AzDataFactoryV2Pipeline.

    Error I get when trying to import a json produced by  Get-AzDataFactoryV2Pipeline | ConvertTo-Json looks like this:

           Error Message: Pipeline Entity not valid
           Request Id: dc115ac2-c37e-40b8-adef-fbfa38641e72

  • NickBeagley's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Very useful. Only improvement I can suggest is that it also script any active triggers.