We recently had this issue creep up on a few of our corporate devices after patching:
winmgmt /verifyrepository - responds repository is consistent
but in wmimgmt.msc WMI Control Properties we can see the errors:
Failed to initialize all required WMI classes.
Win32_Processor: WMI: Invalid class
Win32 WMISettmg WMI Invalid class
Security information Successful
Win32_OperatingSystem WMI Invalid class
Solution was discovered we needed to restore WMI Namespace class data, and found we diddnt need to research any needed .mof files by using the mofcomp and regSvr32 commands below. Note the commands are listed along with a restart of the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service and gpupdate to test for any errors. Also note in several cases we had to run through the commands a few times until WMI and RSOP errors resolve.
*** Recompile Mof files for WMI errors ***
-run from elevated cmd prompt:
cd C:\Windows\System32\Wbem
for /f %s in ('dir /b *.mof *.mfl') do mofcomp %s
for %i in (*.dll) do regSvr32 -s %i
net stop winmgmt /y
net start winmgmt
gpupdate /force