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Mirroring Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server in Microsoft Fabric - Private Preview

scoriani's avatar
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Sep 27, 2024

Today at the European Microsoft Fabric Community Conference we announced the Private Preview of Mirroring Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server databases in Microsoft Fabric. This groundbreaking feature allows seamless integration of your operational data into Microsoft Fabric, effectively eliminating data silos and enhancing accessibility.

  • Easy Integration: With just a few clicks, you can integrate your data into Microsoft Fabric for advanced analytics and AI-driven insights.
  • Real-time Replication: Your PostgreSQL data is incrementally replicated in near real-time into Fabric OneLake in Parquet format, ensuring all analytical engines can access it without the need for data movement.

Key features and capabilities of Mirroring databases in Microsoft Fabric:




Inserts/updates/deletes replication

All changes made to Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server data are incrementally replicated into Fabric OneLake in near real-time without ETL processes, ensuring data remains current and synchronized.

Direct query access

Query data in OneLake directly from the SQL analytics endpoint, enabling complex analytical queries, building views, and generating visual queries seamlessly.

SQL analytics endpoint experience

Run intricate aggregate queries targeting one or more Flexible Server databases using SQL, create detailed views, and build visual queries with ease. Allows cross-joining data with other mirrored artifacts, Lakehouses, or Warehouses in Fabric.

Integration with third-party tools

Use the analytical endpoint within Fabric and from any third-party tools that support SQL, enhancing access to views and queries for versatile data analysis.

Lakehouse shortcuts

Add mirrored databases as shortcuts in Fabric Lakehouse, enabling data engineers to create detailed notebooks and utilize Spark for in-depth data analysis, joining mirrored database data with other data sources.

BI visualization and reporting

Visualize Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server data and create quick BI reports using Direct Lake. Leverage copilot functionalities to build rich, interactive content for dashboards and reports.


Getting started with mirroring


  • Navigate to Fabric->Data Warehouse workload and click on Mirrored Azure Database for PostgreSQL (preview):


  • Create or pick a connection to connect to your Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server and database:


  • If creating a new connection, specify Server and Database names and user credentials with REPLICATION or admin permissions:


  • Select one, few or all the tables that you want to replicate in the mirrored database. Clicking on one table will show a preview of the data contained:


  • Once clicked Connect and provided the mirrored database name in Fabric, the artifact gets created and you can follow check replication progresses by clicking “Monitor replication” button:


  • From your mirrored database artifact, you can switch to “SQL analytics endpoint” panel, where you can start running your SQL queries on continuously replicated data from Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server to Fabric OneLake for analytics:


  • You can also use the “Visual query” option for graphically building complex queries without being a SQL expert:


From here you can start leveraging all Microsoft Fabric great features and capabilities, like building PowerBI Reports directly from your mirrored data, or cross join your PostgreSQL data with other data in OneLake through Lakehouse and Notebooks for Data Engineering and Data Science purposes.


When to use mirroring

If you are an Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server customer and looking for analytics on your operational data but don’t want to setup complex ETL workflows, you may benefit from below with mirroring:

  • Ease of bringing data across various sources into Microsoft Fabric OneLake
  • Open-source Delta Parquet format and delta features such as time-travel
  • Delta table optimizations with v-order for lightning-fast reads
  • One-click integration with Power BI with Direct Lake and co-pilot
  • Rich business insights by joining data across various sources
  • Richer app integration to access queries and views

If you are an existing Fabric user, you may benefit from having Azure Database for PostgreSQL data with rest of your organizational data in OneLake, unifying your data estate.


How to sign-up for private preview

If you are interested in trying the product in preview, please fill this form.


About Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server

Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server is a fully managed database service designed for app development and deployment. It offers customizable performance with scalable compute and storage, automatic backups, and high availability. Whether you need to develop new applications or migrate existing ones, this service provides the flexibility and security needed for enterprise-grade applications. Try Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server for free here. To stay updated on Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server, follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.


Updated Sep 27, 2024
Version 2.0