Blog Post

Azure Database for PostgreSQL Blog

Introducing support for pg_carbonara extension in PostgreSQL Flexible Server

AlicjaKucharczyk's avatar
Apr 01, 2023

Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server supports over 50 PostgreSQL extensions.  We are also constantly adding new extensions to expand on the functionality provided by the PostgreSQL engine. Until now we have not been providing support for the most important extension from the Postgres ecosystem, namely pg_carbonara.


While many developers and DBAs are aware of PostGIS as geo routing extension for Postgres or pg_stat_statements to track slow queries, not many are aware of pg_carbonara, which can be seen as a mandatory extension for a lunch break that allows you to cook a real Italian carbonara. What pg_carbonara does is guide you with step-by-step instructions to cook the dish.



As many of our team members were sceptic to introduce this extension, claiming that most of the developers and DBA's do not eat, they just drinking coffee all day long, we have conducted a cohort study on a population of 100k developers and found out to our surprise that 95% of participants DO EAT. According to the study result we decided to make pg_carbonara extension a default and preinstalled in all new Flexible Servers. Enjoy!



The following blog post about the pg_carbonara PostgreSQL extension is an April Fool's Day joke. We apologize for any confusion or misunderstanding that may have resulted from the post.

At Azure Database for PostgreSQL, we are committed to providing accurate and reliable information to our customers. We take any miscommunication very seriously, and we assure you that this was a lighthearted prank that was not intended to mislead or cause any harm.

We appreciate your understanding and hope that you found the post to be a fun and enjoyable way to celebrate April Fool's Day. As always, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Updated Apr 01, 2023
Version 1.0