You can create an Azure Database for MySQL server using one of three different pricing tiers: Basic, General Purpose, and Memory Optimized. Each tier is differentiated by the amount of compute in vCores that can be provisioned, the memory per vCore, and the IOPS guaranteed.
You can scale a server between the General Purpose and Memory Optimized tiers. However, today there isn’t an automated way to change a server from the Basic tier to the General Purpose or Memory Optimized tiers. You can use the bash script below to simplify migrating existing databases from a Basic server to a General Purpose or Memory Optimized server.
You can run the bash script from a VM (or Azure Cloud Shell). First, verify that you have installed latest version of Azure CLI and the mysql client tools mysql and mysqldump. Because MySQL utilities such as mysql/mysqldump are not necessarily forward compatible, be sure to use the same version of mysql/mysqldump as the MySQL version of the target database.
For the latest version of the script, please visit our GitHub repo:
#!/bin/bash # # PURPOSE # Migrate Azure Database for MySQL Server from Basic Pricing Tier to General Purpose/Memory Optimized Pricing Tier # # DESCRIPTION # Pricing tiers in Azure Database for MySQL - Single Server # # # Currently modifying pricing tier (to and from Basic) is not yet supported. # This script helps in migrating an existing database from Basic Pricing Tier to # General Purpose/Memory Optimized Pricing Tier. # This script uses mysqldump to extract a MySQL database into a dump file # and mysql to restore the MySQL database from an archive file created by mysqldump. # # Migrate your MySQL database using dump and restore # # # PREREQUISITES # Azure CLI ( # mysql-client tools - mysqldump and mysql ( # # NOTE # Target server and database are created in this script. # Please modify the script to specify different options for creation # # # USAGE # bash # --source-subscription-id 'ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff' # --source-resource-group-name 'sourceRG' # --source-server-name 'sourcemysql' # --source-username 'sourceuser' # --source-password 'P@ssw0rd1' # --source-database-name 'sourcedb' # --target-subscription-id 'ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff' # --target-resource-group-name 'targetRG' # --target-region 'eastus' # --target-server-name 'targetmysql' # --target-username 'targetuser' # --target-password 'P@ssw0rd2' # --target-database-name 'targetdb' # --target-sku 'GP_Gen5_2' # function usage() { echo "" echo "PURPOSE" echo "Migrate Azure Database for MySQL Server from Basic Pricing Tier to General Purpose/Memory Optimized Pricing Tier" echo "" echo "DESCRIPTION" echo "Pricing tiers in Azure Database for MySQL - Single Server" echo "" echo "" echo "Currently modifying pricing tier (to and from Basic) is not yet supported." echo "This script helps in migrating an existing database from Basic Pricing Tier to" echo "General Purpose/Memory Optimized Pricing Tier." echo "This script uses mysqldump to extract a MySQL database into a dump file" echo "and mysql to restore the MySQL database from an archive file created by mysqldump." echo "" echo "Migrate your MySQL database using dump and restore" echo "" echo "" echo "PREREQUISITES" echo "Azure CLI (" echo "mysql-client tools - mysqldump and mysql (" echo "" echo "NOTE" echo "Target server and database are created in this script." echo "Please modify the script to specify different options for server creation" echo "" echo "" echo "USAGE" echo "bash" echo -e "\t--source-subscription-id 'ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff'" echo -e "\t--source-resource-group-name 'sourceRG'" echo -e "\t--source-server-name 'sourcemysql'" echo -e "\t--source-username 'sourceuser'" echo -e "\t--source-password 'P@ssw0rd1'" echo -e "\t--source-database-name 'sourcedb'" echo -e "\t--target-subscription-id 'ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff'" echo -e "\t--target-resource-group-name 'targetRG'" echo -e "\t--target-region 'eastus'" echo -e "\t--target-server-name 'targetmysql'" echo -e "\t--target-username 'targetuser'" echo -e "\t--target-password 'P@ssw0rd2'" echo -e "\t--target-database-name 'targetdb'" echo -e "\t--target-sku 'GP_Gen5_2'" echo "" } PARAMS="" while (( "$#" )); do case "$1" in -h | --help) usage exit ;; -a|--source-subscription-id) SOURCE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=$2 shift 2 ;; -b|--source-resource-group-name) SOURCE_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME=$2 shift 2 ;; -c|--source-server-name) SOURCE_SERVER_NAME=$2 shift 2 ;; -d|--source-username) SOURCE_USERNAME=$2 shift 2 ;; -e|--source-password) SOURCE_PASSWORD=$2 shift 2 ;; -f|--source-database-name) SOURCE_DATABASE_NAME=$2 shift 2 ;; -g|--target-subscription-id) TARGET_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=$2 shift 2 ;; -h|--target-resource-group-name) TARGET_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME=$2 shift 2 ;; -i|--target-region) TARGET_REGION=$2 shift 2 ;; -j|--target-server-name) TARGET_SERVER_NAME=$2 shift 2 ;; -k|--target-username) TARGET_USERNAME=$2 shift 2 ;; -l|--target-password) TARGET_PASSWORD=$2 shift 2 ;; -m|--target-database-name) TARGET_DATABASE_NAME=$2 shift 2 ;; -n|--target-sku) TARGET_SKU=$2 shift 2 ;; --) # end argument parsing shift break ;; -*|--*=) # unsupported flags echo "Error: Unsupported flag $1" >&2 exit 1 ;; *) # preserve positional arguments PARAMS="$PARAMS $1" shift ;; esac done # set positional arguments in their proper place eval set -- "$PARAMS" # Prerequisites - Install Azure CLI and mysql-client package if ! [ -x "$(command -v az)" ]; then echo 'Error: azure cli is not installed. Please install from' >&2 exit 1 fi if ! [ -x "$(command -v mysqldump)" ]; then echo 'Error: mysqldump command does not exist. Please install from' >&2 exit 1 fi if ! [ -x "$(command -v mysql)" ]; then echo 'Error: mysql command does not exist. Please install from' >&2 exit 1 fi # Login to source subscription az login az account set --subscription "$SOURCE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID" # Firewall rule name to allow the current VM export FIREWALLRULENAME="AllowAllIps$(date +%s)" # Create firewall rule on the source server to allow connections from current VM az mysql server firewall-rule create -g "$SOURCE_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" -s "$SOURCE_SERVER_NAME" -n "$FIREWALLRULENAME" --start-ip-address "" --end-ip-address "" # Export mysql password to be used by the mysqldump command export MYSQL_PWD=$SOURCE_PASSWORD # Remove dump file if it already exists [ -e "$SOURCE_DATABASE_NAME.sql" ] && rm -f "$SOURCE_DATABASE_NAME.sql" # Create a dump file of the source db mysqldump --ssl-mode=REQUIRED -Fc -v --host="$" --user="$SOURCE_USERNAME@$SOURCE_SERVER_NAME" --databases "$SOURCE_DATABASE_NAME" >"$SOURCE_DATABASE_NAME.sql" # check that filesize of dump file is greater than 0 if ! [ -s "$SOURCE_DATABASE_NAME.sql" ]; then echo 'Error during mysqldump' >&2 exit 1 fi # Login to target subscription az account set --subscription "$TARGET_SUBSCRIPTION_ID" # Set target server password export MYSQL_PWD=$TARGET_PASSWORD # Create the target server in the specified region az mysql server create -l "$TARGET_REGION" -g "$TARGET_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" -n "$TARGET_SERVER_NAME" -u "$TARGET_USERNAME" -p "$MYSQL_PWD" --sku-name "$TARGET_SKU" # Create the target database az mysql db create -g "$TARGET_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" -s "$TARGET_SERVER_NAME" -n "$TARGET_DATABASE_NAME" # Create firewall rule on the target server to allow connections from current VM az mysql server firewall-rule create -g "$TARGET_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" -s "$TARGET_SERVER_NAME" -n "$FIREWALLRULENAME" --start-ip-address "" --end-ip-address "" # Export MYSQL database name to be used by the mysql command export MYSQL_DATABASE=$TARGET_DATABASE_NAME # Restore the database using source database dump file mysql --ssl-mode=REQUIRED -v --host="$" --port=3306 --user="$TARGET_USERNAME@$TARGET_SERVER_NAME" < "$SOURCE_DATABASE_NAME.sql" # Delete firewall rules and local dump file az mysql server firewall-rule delete -g "$SOURCE_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" -s "$SOURCE_SERVER_NAME" -n "$FIREWALLRULENAME" --yes az mysql server firewall-rule delete -g "$TARGET_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" -s "$TARGET_SERVER_NAME" -n "$FIREWALLRULENAME" --yes rm -f "$SOURCE_DATABASE_NAME.sql" # Logout az logout # Visit Target Server echo "Migration Successful !!" echo "Target Server :$TARGET_SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$TARGET_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME/providers/Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers/$TARGET_SERVER_NAME/overview"
If you have trouble running the script, please let us know by opening an issue.
Also, feel free to contribute any updates or bug fixes by creating a pull request.
Thank you!
Updated Aug 30, 2019
Version 3.0ramkychan
Joined April 05, 2019
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