We are pleased to bring to you a summary of the Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server feature updates and announcements from last month and the latest roadmap of upcoming features.
September 2023 Live webinar
We also cover these feature updates in our monthly live webinar on YouTube (Click here to subscribe to our YouTube channel!), which occurs the second Wednesday of every month, at 7:30am Pacific time. Below is a link to the webinar we delivered this week:
August 2023 updates
Private Link - General Availability
With Private Link, you can connect to an Azure Database for MySQL flexible server using a private endpoint. You can access the MySQL flexible server just like any other resource within your VNet, using its private IP address. This feature provides a secured connection to your MySQL flexible server from different VNets on Azure and from on-premises to reduce the risk of data exfiltration.
Learn more: Concepts | Tutorial | Demo video coming soon!
Universal cross-region read replicas - General Availability
You can now replicate data from an instance of Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server to a read-only server (a replica) in any region from the list of Azure supported regions. You can use this feature for performance enhancement by using such replicas to serve read-only traffic and to provide protection from regional disasters.
Learn more: Concepts | Tutorial | Demo video coming soon!
Error Logs (in Server Logs) - Private Preview
This feature allows you to maintain MySQL error log files under Server logs feature and download them for up to eight days. These error logs will help you efficiently identify and troubleshoot performance and reliability issues, and proactively detect and respond to unauthorised access attempts, failed login attempts and other security-related events.
Long Term Retention of Backups - Private Preview
Previously, Azure Database for MySQL allowed for automated backups and on-demand backups to be retained up to 35 days. With Long Term Retention, you can now retain the backups up to 10 years, further aiding your audit and compliance needs.
Latest feature roadmap
Feature |
Description |
Release status |
Coming soon! (Tentative timelines) |
Reschedule maintenance window |
This functionality brings you the option to postpone or bring forward the scheduled maintenance window for your Azure Database for MySQL flexible servers. |
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Public Preview by end of Q3 CY23
Long Term Retention of Backups |
With Long Term Retention, you can retain backups for up to 10 years, further aiding your audit and compliance needs. |
Private Preview |
Public Preview by Q4 CY23 |
Error Logs (in Server Logs) |
This feature provides you the option to view and download Error Logs under the Server Logs option, to analyze and troubleshoot issues. |
Private Preview |
Public Preview by Q4 CY23
Azure MySQL Import (Single to Flexible Server Migration) |
With Azure MySQL Import, you can migrate an Azure Database for MySQL single server to an Azure Database for MySQL flexible server by running a single CLI command! Azure MySQL Import is especially suited for bigger workloads and uses snapshot backup and restores technology to offer a simple and fast migration path to restore the source server's physical data files to the target server. Learn more. |
Public Preview |
General Availability by early Q4 CY23 |
Azure MySQL Import for external migrations |
This tooling (a single CLI command!) will allow you to achieve simple and fast migration of your heavy workloads (>1TB) from external sources to Azure Database for MySQL – Flexible Server. Azure MySQL Import will use your physical backup copy stored in Azure Blob storage to provision and restore to MySQL flexible server. |
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Private Preview by early Q4 CY23
MySQL Discovery & Assessment in Azure Migrate |
With this functionality, you can use Azure Migrate to discover MySQL servers in your environment, assess them by identifying their compatibility for moving to Azure Database for MySQL, and receive compute and storage SKU recommendations along with their costs. |
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Private Preview by early Q4 CY23
Microsoft Defender for Cloud |
Support for Azure Database for MySQL in Microsoft Defender for Cloud will enable you to easily detect anomalous activities indicating unusual and potentially harmful attempts to access or exploit databases, without the need for advanced security monitoring systems or security experts. |
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Private Preview in Q1 CY24 |
As we continue to work on new features and functionalities, your feedback is very critical for our improvement. If you wish to enroll in Private Preview for any of the above features, or if you have any suggestions for or queries about the service, email us at AskAzureDBforMySQL@service.microsoft.com.
To learn more about what's new with Flexible Server, see What's new in Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server. Stay tuned for more updates and announcements by following us on social media: YouTube | LinkedIn | Twitter. Thank you!
Updated Sep 14, 2023
Version 1.0ShreyaAithal
Joined May 24, 2021
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