Still waiting for collaborative meeting features from SfB

Copper Contributor

Hi, I'm eagerly awaiting the maturation of Teams from a "collaborative meeting" standpoint.


I'm specifically hoping for these features from SfB to arrive in Teams:

  • Full whiteboard available for any participant, regardless of tenant, even for anonymous participants
  • Slide share with annotation tools so we can collaborate on top of slides
  • In-meeting polling available for any participant, regardless of tenant, even for anonymous participants


As an aside, I'm eagerly awaiting some meeting features that are available on some other platforms:

  • Raise Hand functionality to ask for speaking turns
  • Thumbs up / down reaction to vote on stuff
  • Breakout Rooms to break a large meeting into pair discussions (preferably while still viewing the shared Whiteboard)


These features would make Teams a kickass real-time collaboration platform. 8)


(Teams/SharePoint/O365 is already a kickass real-time collaboration platform - but only for established Teams. It does not lend itself well to one-time workshops with externals or Teams collaboration training sessions with participants from multiple organizations.)

2 Replies
best response confirmed by jonasrajanto (Copper Contributor)



Many of these request are requested at the uservoice site. Go in and vote for them there.


Thanks Linus! I've voted on each one now. Great that many of these are planned or being worked on. :)
1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by jonasrajanto (Copper Contributor)



Many of these request are requested at the uservoice site. Go in and vote for them there.


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