4 TopicsLateral tabs related shortcuts
I love the lateral tabs feature and the tab groups as well, I use it a lot at my work place. However, there are at least a couple of keyboard shortcuts that should be added in order to improve the user productivity: a shortcut to open a new tab in the group the current tab belong to: when I'm working with the tabs from a given group, is like I'm working with that group, and if I open a new tab, it's very likely I want to open it in that very group. a shortcut to pin/unpin lateral tabs It goes without saying that for users who need to maximize their productivity it makes a big difference to be able to carry out the most frequent tasks by means of keyboard shortcuts.14Views0likes0CommentsSS28: selection to bookmarks + vivaldi example of what i reported you previously
Suggestion (SS): 28 Classification: Bookmarks PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 4 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) Here my idea i got after visiting a suggestion in vivaldi about add current tab to a folder (which is available for vivaldi and edge). I tested it out and in edge is available, but creates problem, like where you continuosly add it under ddd instead inside ddd. only 1 time you added it in ddd. PS: is not the first time i see problems with other bookmarks, you should check if all functions really work correctly with other bookmarks. Same if i do that you should avoid to show me that for the creation of folders. <<<<<<< second: i tried to select 3 tabs, and then do the same. is not possible. <<<<<<< third: i still think vivaldi add to bookmark option without right click is much better. please consider to implement it to edge too. <<<< because we are talking about vivaldi, here other points i like reload miniature (i suggested this to you only for bookmarks bar) like i suggested you with shortcut for bookmarks and other things (i noticed only after sending you the suggestions, that vivaldi has already such option, but still limited compared to what i told you, which is much more complex) this is similar to what i told you too, but vivaldi show us directly the webpage, is not a second bookmarks bar ability to change default bookmarks bar.(NEW SUGGESTION, but less important, since i use different profile. it still remains cool) same like i wrote you yesterday to remove things from the bar position of new tab, like i suggested you keep last tab open, like i suggested you a lot of option like i suggested you (or better some things are not available in vivaldi too) show me only icons inside bookmarks bar, full name in other bookmarks or when you hide url from bookmarks bar (like suggested). i still think a way to add personal customized folder color to bookmarks is usefull too even if i don't really like to use shortcuts (via keyboard with crtl alt etc., not things like <ddd $dd) ... but i like how they do. trackpad gesture, like suggested is much more clean search always in new tab (NEW SUGGESTION) .... PS: until now i don't use vivaldi, because they create library folders problems. so i just use it as a normal second browser for quick searches. this is why maybe the list of good features is not complete. once devs fix such problem, i can send more vivaldi based suggestion too. i still think main points are now available in this post, a lot is already included in previous submitted suggestions. Here even what i don't like previews different colours for each tab ... other ... (yes, you can disable such things). about the download suggestion, something like where i can set "save to /user/ccc/applications" and then "save this website always in this folder" or "if /externaldrive/... is not available, use/user/ccc/applications instead".1.3KViews0likes0CommentsSS7: smart bookmark / history and smart search - new shortcut - launch page, open tab, random pages
Suggestion (SS): 7Classification: SEARCH PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 6-7in a scala 1 (low) - 10 (high) PS: i use $ as shortcut, because i never use such symbol. obviously american need to find another way xD To launch website much faster you could add a new option when we add it to bookmark (and obviously for previous links on bookmarks too). last time i told you to add description, now it's time for shortcut. for example if i want to visit missy profile don't type missy microsoft or microsoft missy or missy. i would simply write <eimis this features should be available for history too. so i don't need to add a link to bookmark if i want to create such shortcut. next about open random pages on a website. if i want to open page 1,2,3,4...10 i could type $1-10 (you can choose what you prefer) and you open page 1-10. if i type $$ you open random page like 4, 8, 20, 6, 2 this mean .5 is the amount of tabs and 1-40 the intervall. similar shortcuts should work even when a current link is opened, in such case i would write for example $-10 and you are smart enough to open next 10 tabs based on current url now we merge this with the option of %s to search inside a website. before i start to talk, i want to remember that 1) you need to avoid to create random %s. i want to see only my created %s 2) you need to add option to delete all %s 3) since the problem of 1) you need to add a way to multi select all auto generated %s, by keeping my %s 4) you need add groups, this mean i can create social, science, ... groups and i put %s inside this 5) import export !!!! the most important feature you need to add ok, back to suggestion. for each %s we have a shortcut. this mean if i have i can create a shortcut <ed now we can merge this to what i told you before i could write "banana AND bere <ed" and you open edge website with banana and bere if i write "banana AND bere $1-10 <ed" you open edge website with banana and bere, and both have page 1-10 active (= you open 20 tabs). if i write "banana, bere, cola, drink, ciao, bellaitalia$$0.3" you open edge with random search (for example cola, ciao, bere). 3 tabs because i wrote .3 $$0. means random mode, but i don't set an interval 1-40, so i use 0 banana,bere, ... are the terms that need to be used for search i could even write "banana <edge <ama <fb" and you open banana in edge, amazon, fb. if i use the group suggestion that i sent you before, i could set a shortcut for the group like g1 and i would replace"banana <edge <ama <fb" to"banana <g1" to make it more interesting you could even add multiple %s, this mean a website with search=xtext+yword+zdate1+wdate2 would be converted in=%s1+%s2+%s3+%s4 and during a search i would write for example " apple + mac + 03 + 05 <pubmed" to search apple title AND mac word AND 03-05 pubblication date. the shortcut i used are just an example, you need to understand why we need such smart search option in edge. ---- other type of shortcuts are for example <bk to return back to original page (example i visit a, b c, then z--> you show us page a) <sl5 = select 5 tabs to the left <sr5 = select 5 tabs to the right <rr5 = reload the next 5 tabs to the right <br5 = add to bookmark next 5 tabs to the right <cr5= add to collections next 5 tabs to the right <wr5= move next 5 tabs to the right in a new window <pr5 = save pdf next 5 tabs to the right i think now you understand the concept. a quick way to add, save, open, go next, go back, random tab, etc. and thanks to the bookmark shortcut that i wrote at the beginning with <<s i could access setting <<e extension <<% my %s .... This would be a jump in productivity. no one is offering this. LAST POINT i already wrote you that a lot of feature are missing like reload to left right and similar, move tab to left to bookmark or to a new windows, close tabs to left, mute tabs to the right, mute other, merge windows, etc (check other post).. if you don't want to add it to right click (which is normal, because having 1000 options is not the best way too, this is why i suggested a manager for right click), add it at least as optional option in menu bar, because in such case we can use such menu bar options with keyboard maestro and bbt. then we can enable touch gesture to use such shortcut too. if you don't add it to menu bar, we cannot do it. here some example of shortcut (skip the duplications...) You can find this suggestion on Chromium too: CHECKLATER* --------------- All my other suggestions are here: Suggestions I liked from other user here: Chromium suggestions list 1: 2: From end 2020-10 all suggestions are written on both Edge and Chrome at the same time, suggestions before 2020-10 are available only on Chrome. *to avoid a ban from Google, I submit only limited post pro week.1.6KViews0likes1CommentSome Behavior changes in Edge
Some Behaviors need to corrected 1. Ctrl+Shift+B (Favorite Bar) changes between 2 states but there are 3 possible states. Only on new tabs is missing. 2. The Alt key sets focus to the "..." menu but does not blur(remove focus) it when pressed twice 3. The Alt key doesn't work when focus is in the Omni Box but F10 does. 4. Change F1 shortcut for devtools settings to Ctrl+, to match with VS Code and Windows Terminal 5. Rename Chrome Data Saver warning to Edge Data Saver warning in Devtools Settings 5. When pressing Alt+<space> , so many wierd options: a. What does cut copy and pasting of windows mean ??? b. so many grey out options. c. Print (⊙_⊙) DeletedHotCakeXMissyQ1.3KViews3likes1Comment