ms teams
1 TopicCreate automated usage report from Microsoft Teams
I am looking into a way to create an automated report that creates a usage report that you can run in the MS Teams admin center ''and somehow send that data in an email with a CSV or just sample report. This would be a report for a call queue and not against a singular user etc. From what I can see I can get the data like any usage report for a call queue and export it manually in the admin center but I can't find any commands to trigger a usage report etc, but I can use Get-CSCallQueue to get info on a Call Queue. Is there anyway to do this at all, maybe I could use an API but not touched that before and mostly use the Teams powershell Module. I have a script I started working on but still testing it out. # Specify the Call Queue ID $CallQueueID = "" # Retrieve the specific call queue $callQueue = Get-CsCallQueue -Identity $CallQueueID # Compile the data $queueData = [PSCustomObject]@{ QueueName = $callQueue.Name QueueID = $callQueue.Identity # Add more fields as necessary } # Create an array to hold the report data $report = @() $report += $queueData # Export the report to a CSV file $report | Export-Csv -Path "C:\Path\To\Your\CallQueueReport.csv" -NoTypeInformation # Output the report to the console (optional) $report | Format-Table -AutoSizeSolved731Views0likes3Comments