master page gallery
1 TopicWhole site affected after attempting to clone and modify a page layout
Hello all, I'm currently facing an issue with page layouts that seem to be affecting the whole site. I'm on SharePoint 2016 and have 2 page layouts so far: - Home (1 page associated with it) - Content (about 5 pages associated with it) I needed to introduce a new design to the Home layout. Instead of editing the current one (which is already used by the homepage that is live), I decided to copy the HTML file, modify by added a new web-part declaration, then putting it back into the Master Page Gallery as Home_2. SharePoint subsequently generated the Home_2.aspx file, and associated a new page with it without issues. However, subsequent attempts to modify this Home_2 (including manipulation of some UUID values) resulted in my whole site going down with all page-loads responding with the message "This page is not using the valid page layout". Note that all my other pages are associated with the existing page-layouts and remain untouched. On the 'Pages' library in Site Contents, when I click on the links in the 'Page Layout' column, I could see that the layout pages loading just fine (Home and Content), but all the ASPX pages associated with these 2 existing layouts couldn't load at all. I deleted the Home_2, but something under the hood must have been corrupted and even the resolution suggested here ( could not help resolve the issue. Worst of all, even my Master Page Gallery page has failed to load too. I had to detach all pages from their page-layouts, then the ASPX pages could somehow load properly. Currently unable to create new pages at all as the creation step would require me to associate it with a page layout, which subsequently fails to load. Could somebody help suggest what else I could look into in order to resolve this issue?587Views0likes0Comments