1 TopicCatch Error in a SQL Server Logon Trigger
I have written a Logon trigger in a SQL Server to control logon authorization. ALTER TRIGGER [LOG_TRG_01] ON ALL SERVER WITH EXECUTE AS 'SA' FOR LOGON AS BEGIN if ORIGINAL_LOGIN() = 'sa' begin return; end; if ORIGINAL_LOGIN() = 'OMEGACAEVDEV1' begin -- not allowed to logon rollback; end; -- Insert Trail EXEC [OmegaCoreAudit].[OMEGACA].[P_ACC_UNF_TRAIL] 0, 'trail_details', 'ip', 'server', 'db', 0 ; END GO It does (as expected): OMEGACAEVDEV1 is not allowed to logon OMEGACAEVDEV2 is allowed to logon An audit event is inserted by proc P_ACC_UNF_TRAIL in a table for both users. All three above I want to stay this way ! But I need to have error handling in it, so that in case of whatever error the login is allowed to login - but keeping a record on another table named SYS_ERROR_LOG (with error details). In this trigger I have intentionally provoked an error by "select 10/0" The new trigger is: ALTER TRIGGER [LOG_TRG_02] ON ALL SERVER WITH EXECUTE AS 'SA' FOR LOGON AS BEGIN BEGIN TRY if ORIGINAL_LOGIN() = 'sa' begin return; end; --provoke error select 10/0; if ORIGINAL_LOGIN() = 'OMEGACAEVDEV1' begin -- not allowed to logon rollback; end; -- Insert Trail EXEC [OmegaCoreAudit].[OMEGACA].[P_ACC_UNF_TRAIL] 0, 'trail_details', 'ip', 'server', 'db', 0 ; END TRY BEGIN CATCH Insert into OmegaCoreAudit.OMEGACA.SYS_ERROR_LOG ([LOGIN_USER_NAME], [DB_USER_NAME], [USERHOST], [IP_ADDRESS], [OS_USER], [BG_JOB_ID], [ERROR_DATA]) values ('LOGIN_NAME', 'USER_NAME', 'USER_HOST', 'IP', NULL, NULL, 'ERROR_MESSAGE'); END CATCH END GO In the above code "if ORIGINAL_LOGIN() = 'OMEGACAEVDEV1'" represents a simplified version of a wider authorization process. Problem: CATCH is not working. Both users are not allowed to logon ("Logon failed for login '[user]' due to trigger execution") No record is written on table SYS_ERROR_LOG. I was expecting one for each user. What can I do to fix this problem? best regards Altin137Views0likes13Comments