4 TopicsSpatial SQL with PostGIS and Postgres: What makes spatial queries special?
When you are working with spatial datausingthePostGISextension to Postgres,most of theStandard Query Language(SQL)you end upwithis just standard SQL—table joins, selects, inserts, updates,and so on—not spatial sorcery.Butthere isasmall percentage ofSQLin PostGIS that makes spatial queries a little bit special!I have collected a few examples to this blog post.Importing spatial data to PostGIS
If you’re new to PostGIS and want to try it out, one of the first things you’ll want to do is to import some data into your database. I want to provide an overview of how to accomplish this. The post provides an introduction to some common data import terminology, details on where to find spatial data and tools for importing data to PostGIS, and specific instructions for how to use each tool to perform the import.