3 Topicsansible.windows.win_dsc resource SqlPermission Not found
Hi I am trying to do SQL (SQL Server 2022) Automation along with Always_ON and failover Cluster setup using Ansible on Azure VM (Windows 2019 Server) . Since SQL VM do not have internet connectivity , I tried to install below module manually by downloading respective nupkg files. PowershellGet SqlServerDsc When we are trying to configure SQL Server Permission using below Ansible task, we receive following error messages ("msg": "Resource 'SqlPermission' not found.") - name: configure SQL server permissions ansible.windows.win_dsc: resource_name: SqlPermission ServerName: 'LocalHost' InstanceName: '{{ sql_server_instance_name }}' Name: '{{ item }}' PermissionToInclude: - State: Grant Permission: - 'AlterAnyAvailabilityGroup' - 'ViewServerState' - 'AlterAnyEndPoint' - 'ConnectSql' Credential_username: '{{ mssql_username }}' Credential_password: '{{ mssql_password }}' loop: "{{ [sql_server_svc_account, sql_server_agt_svc_account] | unique }}" Error Received failed: [<hostname>.<domain_name>] (item=<domain_name>\<Serviceaccount>) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": "<domain_name>\\<service_account>", "msg": "Resource 'SqlPermission' not found." } [<hostname>.<domain_name>] TASK: set_alwayson_perm : configure SQL server permissions (debug)> User interrupted execution. When we execute command Get-DscResource – Name SqlPermission, It errors out. I believe I am missing on some steps or configuration while doing DSC Module SQLServerDsc Please support.936Views0likes1CommentNew-M365DSCDeltaReport is not working as expected
Hello, I'm trying to useNew-M365DSCDeltaReport to compare DSC exported configurations. But I wanted only different fields to show up in the output, so I usedNew-M365DSCDeltaReport -DriftOnly $true. Despite this I still get a full report with similar and different fields. Does anyone have an idea why this is happening?862Views0likes1CommentPowrshell DSC for Secondary/Additional IP
Hi Everyone, I am creating a Powershell script to deploy the configuration to the remote server using Desired State Configuration ( without Pull Server) for Adding the additional/Secondary IP to the server NIC but the module which I am using (xNetworking) is written such a way that It is removing the existing IP from the target Machine and then set the new IPs , which is making the server out of network. So can anyone help me to solve this in such a way it will only add the additional IPs and not change the exiting one. P. S. it needs to be done without Pull server only pushing the configuration is required.799Views0likes0Comments