cm 2007
4 TopicsHow to Configure Reporting Service URL with Port 443
Hi All, I am in a process of implementing Configuration Manager with HTTPS. I am using Certificate authority to create PKI certificates. However, I am having question, How we could implement reporting services with https. I have seen couple article for how to configure https in reporting services with self sign certificate but I didn't see anything for how to configure the same certificate created in Certificate Authority. Appreciates if anyone can guide me on this. thanks in advance Dilan1KViews0likes4Commentsupdating content of the application in SCCM using WMI
Hi, I wan to Call Update Content API on Application in Sccm using WMI Object. I tried with below code ManagementPath MgmtPath1 = new ManagementPath($"SMS_SoftwareUpdatesPackage.PackageID='{applicationID}'"); ManagementClass ProcessClass1 = new ManagementClass(Scope, MgmtPath1, null); ManagementObject managementObject = ProcessClass1.CreateInstance(); if (managementObject != null) { var inParams = managementObject.GetMethodParameters("AddUpdateContent"); inParams.Properties["ContentIDs"].Value = new UInt32[] { }; inParams.Properties["ContentSourcePath"].Value = new String[] { @"\\LocalHost\publish\7-Zip (x64)\16\4\" }; inParams.Properties["bRefreshDPs"].Value = false; ManagementBaseObject outParams1 = managementObject.InvokeMethod("AddUpdateContent", null, null); ///An Exception is thrown here } But it is throwing an Error "Invalid Method Param(s)" or "Not Found" Exception . Am I Missing here anything? what would be the best way to call it?401Views0likes1Comment