35 TopicsFeedback Hub should have Video Recorder option to Recreate my problem
Currently, Feedback hub uses steps recorder, just like the program inside Windows 10. it's not useful when there is a visual glitch or problem happening because it doesn't capture the problem correctly and doesn't convey the required content. the new Microsoft Edge's feedback system has "recreate my problem" feature too and in there is a feature to record the screen or a specific window, it saves the video recording in WebP format, very efficient format and adds a high definition video file to the feedback. upvote this suggestion please: Item in the Windows Clipboard should stay on top - insider Dev build 21318
Using the new Clipboard experience in Windows 10 insider build 21318, when we Pin an item in the Clipboard, it should stay on top and do Not go down, because the idea behind it is to easily access and Find the Pinned item in Clipboard when there are lots of items copied there. upvote this feedback please: option to disable Night Light when Gaming Automatically
I use night light every night but I want it to automatically disable when I launch games (in full screen) and then re-enable when I exit the game. it doesn't look good in games when night light is on so it'd be great if it automatically turned itself off in games. Please Upvote this in Feedback hub: each Edge's tab and PWAs sounds to Windows sound control separately
Expose each Edge's tab and PWAs sounds to Windows sound control separately so we can set different volume level for each of them When I install YouTube, Spotify web player or similar sites as a PWA (progressive web app) in Edge, or use them in different tabs, I want to be able to control each of their volumes separately using Windows sound control or the audio widget of Xbox Game bar, for more convenience and control over the sound we hear. currently, everything is shown and combined under "Edge". Upvote in feedback hub: us Middle mouse click on News and Interests links to open multiple articles in the background
I want to be able to Middle Mouse Click on multiple articles in News and Interests to open them in the background in browser, instead of opening them one by one which makes me switch between browser and News and Interest back and forth. Upvote in Feedback hub if you want the same: us sign into our Personal Microsoft account when Installing/Resetting Windows 10 Enterprise
When we fresh Install or Reset our Windows 10 Enterprise edition, we only have the option to sign into our business Microsoft account (aka Microsoft 365). no option to sign into our Personal account. so the only way is to make a local account and then when we come to the desktop, sign into our Personal Microsoft account. this needs to change so we can use either business or personal account during OOBE when installing or resetting Windows 10 Enterprise edition. Upvote in feedback hub: "Show Windows push notification" as a selectable action to Task Schedular
*the options for email and displaying message are unusable since they are deprecated, you get error if you try to use them. I need to create tasks in Windows Task Scheduler and see Windows push notifications in action center when that task's criteria is met or triggered. another one is that I need to attach a Task to Windows Event Viewer and once an event entry is created in the custom logs, I get notified by a notification in Windows. please upvote in feedback hub: