Viva Learning
3 TopicsAdding a custom content provider to Viva Learning with Microsoft Graph
Since the pandemic hit, improving the employee experience in this new hybrid world has become a priority for Microsoft. One of the tools to support this mission isMicrosoft Viva, a suite of apps available through Teams which can help employees to stay more connected, to better manage their time and to work more efficiently. Today we'll focus on one of the apps of the Viva suite calledViva Learning, which helps employees to grow and learn. Through Viva Learning, enterprises can make available learning content in a variety of forms (videos, articles, books, etc) that employees can consume at their own pace. Through the platform, administrators can also dispatch learning assignments to employees, which is very useful for scenarios like compliance trainings or learning experiences that are required for your role.11KViews3likes7CommentsBuild a web app to manage a custom provider in Viva Learning with Blazor
In the previous postwe have learned the basic concepts behind the Viva Learning integration offered by the Microsoft Graph. However, the scenario we implemented wasn't very realistic. We have learned which APIs to use and how to use them but, in a real scenario, you won't use Postman to manage your custom catalog of learning content, but you would rely on a more robust solution. In this post, we're going to reuse the concepts we have learned to build a better experience: a web application, that we can use to manage our custom learning provider and its contents. We'll focus on how to implement in a real application some of the peculiar features we have learned about these APIs, like the fact that a different set of permissions is required based on the type of content you're working with.9.7KViews1like0Comments