2 TopicsLesson Learned #323: Cannot perform creation/scaling of the managed instance due to not enough IPs
We worked on a service request where our customer faced the following error message:Cannot perform creation/scaling of the managed instance as there are not enough available IP addresses in the subnet for performing the operation. For more details visit '' and error code: ManagedInstanceIpAddressRangeLimit, scaling their managed instance from General Purpose to Business Critical2.3KViews0likes0CommentsLesson Learned #317: Update to service objective for Hub DBs
Today, we worked on a service request where our customer got the following error message scalingdatabase error from General Purpose to Hyperscale "Error message: 'Update to service objective 'xyz' for Hub DBs' is not supported for entity 'DatabaseName'. Following, I would like to share with you our findings.1.9KViews1like0Comments