Guest blog
7 TopicsCreating an Objective Forecast - by Liam Bastick, Excel MVP
"For many, it’s that time of year again when budgets need to be dusted down and re-vamped. Those in finance spend sleepless nights reviewing minutiae and “normalizing” data before talking to their operational counterparts. "Sound familiar? Well, Excel can help." Find out more in Liam Bastick's guest article.9.1KViews3likes1Comment- 41KViews9likes19Comments
Quick Solutions to Customer Pain Points in Excel
There are multiple ways to accomplish everything in Excel. But sometimes, the quickest way is not the most obvious way. I just retired from the seminar circuit, but I present here four of the most painful customer stories. Each of these are from real people who ran into a wall in Excel and then went to extraordinary lengths for a workaround. In each case, there is an easier, but perhaps not so obvious way to solve the problem.14KViews8likes5Comments