Most RecentMost ViewedMost LikesStudying for the AZ220 Azure IoT Developer Cert and prefer videos? Pluralsight has you covered! Pluralsight are publishing videos targeting individual sections of the AZ220 Azure IoT Developer Certification. Azure IoT TLS: Critical changes are almost here! (…and why you should care) Action required: The Azure IoT Baltimore Root CA is being replaced starting in June 2022 Bridge Building – Mosquitto MQTT to Azure IOT Using Paho MQTT and the Azure IoT Device SDK’s Get your MQTT messages in to IoT Hub without reconfiguration? Paho + IoT Device SDK’s = awesome. ESP32 with Arduino IDE - Your MQTT bridge into Azure IoT Hub Use an ESP32 with the Arduino IDE to bridge your MQTT broker with Azure IoT Hub Mosquitto Client Tools and Azure IoT Hub. The beginning of something good.... An account of a first time connecting an MQTT broker to Azure IoT Monitoring Air Quality with Azure Sphere and Sysinno iAeris Build yourself a real-world and useful end-to-end solution with Azure Sphere, Azure IoT, and Power BI. Running your Azure IoT Hub based solution on-premises! Azure IoT Hub on Azure Stack Hub is in Public Preview! Learn all about it and join the preview. IoT at Microsoft Build 2022 Time to ramp up on all the latest IoT innovations at once during Microsoft Build 2022 Azure Percept Audio - Home Automation with Azure Functions, Azure IoT Hub and Raspberry Pi Pete shows us how we can control a desk lamp from an Azure Percept DK Set up an Azure Cosmos DB custom endpoint directly from IoT Hub Getting device data from IoT Hub to Azure Cosmos DB just got cheaper and faster!