Application performance
1 TopicWhy is that Windows app slow / blocked / expensive!?
Democratize Windows Performance Analysis A new public, open-source toolset for analyzing the performance of Windows / Office / Apps is now available on the Microsoft GitHub site: Based on tools used by MS Office teams to promote broad use of Event Tracing for Windows (ETW), it's intended to facilitate exposing performance issues. The toolset consists of highly customizable PowerShell scripts & XML configs to drive WPR/WPA, plus a custom plug-in to expose network activity. Wiki documentation covers a wide variety of topics: CPU/Thread activity Network connections and activity File and Disk I/O Windows Handles: Kernel, User, GDI Memory Usage: Heap, RAM, Working Set, Reference Set, ... Office-specific logging Symbol Resolution Custom Tracing CPU Counters, etc. There's also a growing YouTube channel: Windows Performance Deep Dive Introduction to MSO-Scripts (video) Suggestions? Reports? Thank you in advance...25Views0likes0Comments