Forum Discussion

Mohindar_Malhotra's avatar
Copper Contributor
Mar 02, 2020

Activationg Trial Version of Server 2019

Hi Friends:

Downloaded a 180 trial Server 2019 standard which I used to create a VM. We purchased a Dell Server with Server 2019 Standard. I understand that I can use the Dell Server Product Key to also Activate the Trial Version of Server 2019 VM. 

Some how when I Click on Change Product Key nothing sees to happen I don't get the window where I can enter the product key!

Any thoughts please as to what I am doing wrong!


Mohindar Malhotra

  • dretzer's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    To change the eval version of Server 2019 to a retail version you have to use dism.

    Use the following steps in and administrative command prompt:

    1. slmgr /upk
    2. slmgr /cpky
    3. dism /online /set-edition:ServerStandard /accepteula /productkey:<YOUR-RETAIL-KEY-GOES-HERE>
    4. reboot
    5. slmgr /ipk <PRODUCT-KEY-GOES-HERE>
    6. wait a minute
    7. slmgr /ato

    This will uninstall the current eval key (step 1. and 2.), change the edition to the non-eval version (step 3. and 4.), install the new product key (step 5. and 6.) and activate windows (step 7.).


    • mohindar_malhotra50's avatar
      Copper Contributor


      Hi Thanks. Need clarification on the following: 

      I have only one Key that is the Main server (Dell Server) Product key. That is the prod key I would like to use for the Server 2019 in VM (for the current Trial Server 2019). What do the Keys in step 3 and 5 refer to?


      3.      dism /online /set-edition:ServerStandard /accepteula /productkey:<YOUR-RETAIL-KEY-GOES-HERE>


      5. slmgr /ipk <PRODUCT-KEY-GOES-HERE>


      Thanks again for your help and time!


      • Dave Patrick's avatar
        Dave Patrick

        The much simpler method is from an elevated cmd.exe session;


        slmgr /ipk xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx

        slmgr /ato


        using the same product key used on host.





