Forum Discussion
Windows Server Uptime in last 30 days
For a customer, I am trying to compile a report for Windows Servers uptime in last 30 days. Please see attached PowerShell script that has helped me but this script gives us time since the servers are running by its last boot time. For instance, some data shows 100, 49, days.
This script runs on Windows server 2012, 2016, 2022 or Windows 10/ 11 without any issue.
Please review script and suggest, what can be done to just compile result for last 30 days. Thanks in advance.
- Thanks Harm_Veenstra
I tried your suggested changes but it still returns zero result.... meaning, script runs and scans the list but no list of server in result.
Well, I tried if condition below - it gives us required result that we needed. Thanks.
(If ($span.TotalDays -ge 31) { continue })
Create Output List
$OutputObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Uptime -Value $Uptime
If ($span.TotalDays -ge 31) { continue }
M. Sheeraz Ansari. Perhaps you can change
<#==================Create Output List====================#> $OutputObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Uptime -Value $Uptime $Status=1 $SuccessCount++
<#==================Create Output List====================#> if ($ -eq 30) { $OutputObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Uptime -Value $Uptime } $Status=1 $SuccessCount++
This is for 30 days, you can change it to -le 30 for machines that have an uptime of 0-30 days
- M. Sheeraz Ansari.Brass ContributorThanks Harm_Veenstra for your response. Well this parameter ($ -eq 30) returns blank result while ($ -le 30) is returning same results.... meaning servers uptime status more than 30 days, some servers shows 77, 40 days.
Any other suggestions please.
Thanks.M. Sheeraz Ansari. I changed the script in two places, and changed the $ to $days (I was looking at the wrong variable) Also added a $MaxDays variable on top with the number of days it should scan for. It should now show servers with an uptime of 0-30 days now. Could you test it?
<#=================================================================================================================== Script Name : Get-ServerUptimeReport.ps1 Purpose : Displays uptimes for a sorted list of servers from a file or from Active Directory. Notes : Edit this file with your preferences before launching. Author : Richard Wright Spiceworks : Profile : Latest script: Date Created : 9:20 AM 3/21/2016 Last Revision : 8:19 AM 4/7/2016 Revision Notes : Added options to customize, display on screen and/or via email, sort. Tested on : Windows Server 2012 R2 Credits : This script was influenced by others like the following: Sitaram Pamarthi, Ed Wilson, Microsoft Scripting Guy, =====================================================================================================================#> Clear-Host Write-Host "One moment please... Setting up..." <#================================ Initialize Settings Instructions ================================== The servers shown in this report come from either a path\file you designate or are pulled from Active Directory. You have the option to pick your preference by editing $ServerNameOption in the Options section below. For example: $ServerNameOption = "File" Set this to "File" if you want to report only on servers listed in a file, otherwise the server names will be pulled from Active Directory. When set to "File" the server names will be read from the file you enter for $ServerNameFile in the section following this one. This is good if you only want to report on servers in a certain OU, are mission critical, or are ones that you are personally responsible for their uptime and reporting. The report will sort the list of servers, by name, automatically. NOTE: If $ServerNameOption is not set to "File" Active Directory will be queried for the list of servers. $ServerNameFile = "C:\Admin\ServerList.txt" Set this to the path and filename of a file that lists servers, one per line. NOTE: Be sure this is correct as this script does not check to verify if the path and file exists. The various $BGColor schemes are for the background colors for the HTML report. You can specify different colors for OnLine, Offline, etc. You can choose "Red", "Green", etc. or you can choose the color codes. For example: $BGColorColumn = "#BFC3C4" sets the color of the column headers to "#BFC3C4" which is a grey color. NOTE: HTML color codes can be found here: $SendEmail = "" Set this to "True" if you want to receive an email with the report included. Also edit the To, From, and SmtpServer setting in the $smtpsettings group below to reflect your specific email settings and preferences. $ShowOnScreen = "True" Set this to "True" if you want to show the results in the Powershell window as it runs. You will be prompted to press [ENTER] to exit the script when it is finished. $ShowHTMLOnScreen = "" Set this to "True" if you want to see the HTML report on the screen after the script has run. This is good if you do not want the report sent via email. $ReportOutFile = "C:\Admin\ServerUptimeReport.html" This is the path and filename of the HTML report this script will generate. NOTE: Be sure the path exists as this script does not verify. If the file exists it is overwritten. =================================== Options Edit these with your preferences: ====================================#> $ServerNameOption = "" $ServerNameFile = "C:\Temp\ServerList.txt" $BGColorColumn = "#BFC3C4" $BGColorOnline = "#6DC046" $BGColorOffline = "#D43235" $BGColorReportTotal = "#4AA7E1" $SendEmail = "" $ShowOnScreen = "True" $ShowHTMLOnScreen = "True" $ReportOutFile = "C:\Temp\ServerUptimeReport.html" $MaxDays='30' <#============================== SMTP Settings Edit with your email settings: ================================#> $smtpsettings = @{ To = "email address removed for privacy reasons" From = "email address removed for privacy reasons" Subject = "Server Uptime Report for $(Get-Date -Format D)" SmtpServer = "SMTP_SERVER_FQDN" } <#============================ Do not edit below this line! ==============================#> <#======== Counters ==========#> $ServerCount = 0 $SuccessCount = 0 $UnreachableCount = 0 <#==================== HTML Report Settings ======================#> $Report = " <html> <head> <title> Server Uptime Report </title> </head> <body {background-color:#D7D8D8;}> <H1 Align=`"Center`"> <B>Server Uptime Report </B></H1> <H3 Align=`"Center`"> $(Get-Date -Format D) </H3> <H3 Align=`"Center`"> $(Get-Date -Format T) </H3> <table Border=`"1`" CellPadding=`"3`" Align=`"Center`"> <tr> <td BGColor=$BGColorColumn Align=center><b> SERVER NAME </b></td> <td BGColor=$BGColorColumn Align=center><b> STATUS </b></td> <td BGColor=$BGColorColumn Align=center><b> UPTIME </b></td> </tr>" <#======================== Query servers for uptime ==========================#> IF ($ShowOnScreen -eq "True") { Write-Host Write-Host "Server querying initiated." } IF ($ServerNameOption -eq "File") { Write-Host Write-Host "Reading server names from file:" $ServerNameFile $ServerName = Get-Content -Path $ServerNameFile | Sort-Object } Else { Write-Host Write-Host "Reading server names from Active Directory." Write-Host "One moment please..." $ServerName = (Get-ADComputer -Filter { OperatingSystem -like '*Server*' } -Properties *).name | Sort-Object } IF ($ShowOnScreen -eq "True") { Clear-Host Write-Host "Server Uptime Report" Write-Host $(Get-Date -Format D) Write-Host $(Get-Date -Format T) } ForEach ($Server in $ServerName) { $OutputObj = New-Object -TypeName PSobject $OutputObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ServerName -Value $Server $Status = 0 $ServerCount++ If (Test-Connection -Computer $Server -count 1 -ea 0) { $OutputObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Status -Value "Online" try { $BootTime = (Get-WmiObject win32_operatingSystem -computer $Server -ErrorAction stop).lastbootuptime $BootTime = [System.Management.ManagementDateTimeconverter]::ToDateTime($BootTime) $Now = Get-Date $span = New-TimeSpan $BootTime $Now $Days = $span.days $Hours = $span.hours $Minutes = $span.minutes $Seconds = $span.seconds <#=============================== Remove plurals if the value = 1 =================================#> If ($Days -eq 1) { $Day = "1 day " } else { $Day = "$Days days " } If ($Hours -eq 1) { $Hr = "1 hr " } else { $Hr = "$Hours hrs " } If ($Minutes -eq 1) { $Min = "1 min " } else { $Min = "$Minutes mins " } If ($Seconds -eq 1) { $Sec = "1 sec" } else { $Sec = "$Seconds secs" } $Uptime = $Day + $Hr + $Min + $Sec <#================== Create Output List ====================#> if ($Days -le $MaxDays) { $OutputObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Uptime -Value $Uptime $Status = 1 $SuccessCount++ } else { $ServerCount -- } } catch { $OutputObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Uptime -Value "Query Failed" <# Not currently reporting on this... #> } } else { $OutputObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Status -Value "Offline" $OutputObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Uptime -Value "Unreachable" $UnreachableCount++ } <#=============================================== Display output on screen and add to HTML report =================================================#> IF ($ShowOnScreen -eq "True") { $OutputObj } If ($Status) { $BGColor = $BGColorOnline } else { $BGColor = $BGColorOffline } if ($Days -le $MaxDays) { $Report += " <TR> <TD BGColor=$BGColor Align = center>$($OutputObj.ServerName)</TD> <TD BGColor=$BGColor Align = center>$($OutputObj.Status)</TD> <TD BGColor=$BGColor Align = center>$($OutputObj.Uptime)</TD> </TR>" } } <#==================== Assemble HTML Report ======================#> $Report += " </table> <br> <table Border=`"1`" CellPadding=`"3`" Align=`"Center`"> <tr> <td BGColor=$BGColorReportTotal Align = right>Servers Scanned: </td> <td BGColor=$BGColorReportTotal Align = right>$ServerCount</td> </tr> <tr> <td BGColor=$BGColorOnline Align = right>Servers Online: </td> <td BGColor=$BGColorOnline Align = right>$SuccessCount</td> </tr> <tr> <td BGColor=$BGColorOffline Align = right>Servers Offline: </td> <td BGColor=$BGColorOffline Align = right>$UnreachableCount</td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>" $Report | Out-File $ReportOutFile -Force <#============================================================================================================== Show HTML report on screen ==============================================================================================================#> IF ($ShowHTMLOnScreen -eq "True") { Invoke-Item $ReportOutFile } <#============================================================================================================== Email HTML Report ==============================================================================================================#> IF ($SendEmail -eq "True") { Send-MailMessage @smtpsettings -Body $Report -BodyAsHtml } IF ($ShowOnScreen -eq "True") { Write-Host Write-Host Write-Host "Completed." Read-Host -Prompt "Press the [ENTER] key to exit..." }