Aug 17 2020 12:17 AM - edited Aug 17 2020 11:10 PM
Dear Community
I have a Powershell Script which generates a JSON file with data in it.
I have a problem with this file though. It generates double the amount of "\\"!
Do you know how I could solve this?
Here is my Code to generate the JSON File:
pcname='ENTER HERE';
share='\\ENTER HERE\C$';
filename='ENTER HERE';
Username="ENTER HERE";
Password="ENTER HERE";
} | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File "$secFile"
$secFile is just a path to save the file to. Just tell me if you need this too.
The output JSON file looks liek this though:
"pcname": "ENTER HERE",
"share": "\\\\ENTER HERE\\C$",
"filename": "ENTER HERE",
"destfilepath": "some\\folder",
"destfile": "$in.share\\$in.destfilepath\\$in.filename",
"RDdestfile": "C:\\$in.destfilepath\\",
"Username": "ENTER HERE",
"Password": "ENTER HERE",
"EncryptedPassword": ""
Edit: I also posted this question in the Forum and Stackoverflow, just so you know
Aug 17 2020 01:30 AM
There is a way to escape the JSON:
[ordered]@{pcname='ENTER HERE';share='\\ENTER HERE\C$';filename='ENTER HERE';destfilepath='some\folder';destfile='$in.share\$in.destfilepath\$in.filename';
Username="ENTER HERE";
Password="ENTER HERE";
} | ConvertTo-Json | Foreach {[System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Unescape($_)} | Out-File "$secFile"
This will make the backslashes escape. Output:
"pcname": "ENTER HERE",
"share": "\\ENTER HERE\C$",
"filename": "ENTER HERE",
"destfilepath": "some\folder",
"destfile": "$in.share\$in.destfilepath\$in.filename",
"RDdestfile": "C:\$in.destfilepath\",
"Username": "ENTER HERE",
"Password": "ENTER HERE",
"EncryptedPassword": ""
Aug 17 2020 02:13 AM
SolutionHello Martin,
What you are doing is quit dangerous. You are breaking your JSON file and will receive an error when you import your JSON file. A backslash is reserved by the JSON and so when you want to use a backslash inside your data you NEED to escape your backslash whit a backslash. Doesn’t look to well but it has to be that way. The convertfrom-json cmdlet will deal whit the double backslash.
Grtz, Manfred
Aug 17 2020 02:13 AM
SolutionHello Martin,
What you are doing is quit dangerous. You are breaking your JSON file and will receive an error when you import your JSON file. A backslash is reserved by the JSON and so when you want to use a backslash inside your data you NEED to escape your backslash whit a backslash. Doesn’t look to well but it has to be that way. The convertfrom-json cmdlet will deal whit the double backslash.
Grtz, Manfred