Hello -
We have a PowerShell script that modifies data and then renames the file. When we run this script manually it works as expected. When we run it as a scheduled task, the data is not modified, but the file is renamed.
Server Win2019
Scheduled Task -
Program/Script: powershell.exe
Arguments: -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "C:\TCPPS\Final.ps1"
Start in location: E:\MFT Server\users\TCP
Run whether user is logged on or not (have tried this both ways)
Scheudule task doesn't run correctly even when a user is logged in and we force the task to run.
Script runs perfectly when we manually run it.
# Import the CSV fil
$data = Import-csv -Path 'E:\MFT Server\users\TCP\TCP Employee Secondary Payrate.csv'
# Create the mapping hashtable
$categoryMapping = @{
"3F10" = 1
"3P10" = 2
"3S10" = 3
"4F12" = 4
"5F12" = 5
"5S12" = 6
"6F10" = 7
"6P10" = 8
"8F10" = 9
"8P10" = 10
"ADM" = 11
"ADM2" = 12
"ALT" = 13
"ALTA" = 14
"ALTH" = 15
"ALTT" = 16
"ASG" = 17
"BAF" = 18
"BAP" = 19
"BDF" = 20
"BDP" = 21
"FDLD" = 22
"C0C5" = 23
"CA" = 24
"CAB" = 25
"CHEF" = 26
"CLAS" = 27
"CNFT" = 28
"CNPT" = 29
"CO09" = 30
"CO10" = 31
"CO68" = 32
"COC1" = 33
"COC2" = 34
"COC3" = 35
"COC4" = 36
"COC5" = 37
"COC6" = 38
"COC7" = 39
"COC8" = 40
"COC9" = 41
"CSAD" = 42
"CUSF" = 43
"CUSP" = 44
"DIS" = 45
"HCA" = 47
"HCU" = 48
"HMB" = 49
"HOUR" = 50
"IATI" = 51
"ITG" = 52
"LIFE" = 53
"MCAF" = 54
"MCAP" = 55
"MCBF" = 56
"MCBP" = 57
"MCLA" = 58
"MECH" = 59
"MSEC" = 60
"NUR" = 61
"SBSE" = 62
"SCBL" = 63
"SCHR" = 64
"SUBT" = 65
"SUMA" = 66
"SUMC" = 67
"SUMM" = 68
"SUMS" = 69
"SUMT" = 70
"SUPC" = 71
"SWIN" = 72
"TAX" = 73
"TCHR" = 74
"TEAL" = 75
"VDF" = 76
"VDP" = 77
"XTR" = 78
# Iterate over each row
foreach ($row in $data) {
# Replace the 'Category' field with the corresponding number from the hashtable
$row."Current Job Class Code" = $categoryMapping[$row."Current Job Class Code"]
# Export the adjusted data to a new CSV file
$data | Export-Csv -Path 'E:\MFT Server\users\TCP\Updated TCP Employee Secondary Payrate.csv' -NoTypeInformation
#delete orignal file
remove-item 'E:\MFT Server\users\TCP\TCP Employee Secondary Payrate.csv'