Huge memory consumption using ForEach-Object -Parallel

Copper Contributor

I’ve a function that updates the stats in databases using ForEach-Object -Parallel. When I run it, to loop through the stats in a database and update them, it consumes a lot of memory on the server where I run the command from. In some cases 60/70Gb.
Why is it doing that? Is there a way I can have the function release the memory used for each stat it updates?



Function Update-Stats
$Database = ''
$SqlInstance = ''
Update-Stats -SqlInstance $SqlInstance -Database $Database 
    [string]$SqlInstance , 



$Satslist = @()

$Srv = Get-SqlInstance -ServerInstance $SqlInstance 
$Srv | Get-SqlDatabase -Name $Database | %{
    $Db = $_    
    "Processing $($Db.Name)"
    $Db.Tables | ?{$_.RowCount -gt 10} | % { 
        $Table = $_
        $Table.Statistics | %{
            $Satslist += [PSCUstomObject]@{
            SqlInstance = $SqlInstance
            Database = $Database
            Schema = $Table.Schema
            Table = $Table.Name
            RowCount = $Table.RowCount
            Stats = $_.Name


    if($Srv.VersionMajor -ge 14 ) {
        Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SqlInstance -Database $Database -Query "$FlagOn"
        $Tflag = $true

    $Satslist | Sort-Object {Get-Random} | % -parallel  {
        $Obj = $_ 
        $Table = "[$($Obj.Schema)].[$($Obj.Table)]"
        $Stats = "[$($Obj.Stats)]"

            {$_ -le 1000000} {$Percent = 20 ; break}
            {$_ -In 1000001..10000000} {$Percent = 15 ; break}
            {$_ -In 10000001..100000000} {$Percent = 10 ; break}
            {$_ -ge 100000001} {$Percent = 5 ; break}
       "Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $($Obj.SqlInstance) -Database $($Obj.Database) -Query `"Update Statistics $Table $Stats with Sample $Percent Percent`""
       Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $($Obj.SqlInstance) -Database $($Obj.Database) -Query "Update Statistics $Table $Stats with Sample $Percent Percent"
       } -ThrottleLimit 12
   if($Tflag) {
       Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SqlInstance -Database $Database -Query "$FlagOff"






6 Replies
I tested this yesterday, 1.6Gb for PowerShell after setting a variable for processing some things, if I set the variable to $null the memory usage stayed 1.6Gb and after running [system.gc]::Collect() is was 300Mb. Should work for you and keep the memory usage down while processing scripts, let us know!

Did it work out for you?

Please mark my answer as solution if it answered your question
Unfortunately it didn’t resolve the issue in my case. But I appreciate you responding, trying to help. My apologies for not responding before now.
Perhaps too much data in the foreach loop before having the chance to clear memory, where did you put it? Could you post the adjusted script?