Jul 25 2023 09:54 AM
I have a text file with a couple hundred lines of data where the data elements are separated by a comma. The lines of data have varying numbers of elements in each line, but I am only interested in the 2nd and 19th data elements in the first line of the file, highlighted below, so I only want to read the first line of the file. The goal is to use powershell to read through a directory structure with hundreds of similar files and create an output csv file that contains only those two elements for each file in the directory structure.
Here's a sample of the data:
Header=0,"Some Name",0,3,54,48,90,0,1,23,0,100,1,5,0.400000,250,1000,500,9600,10,10,10,960,1,2,30,14,100,1,5,0,0,2000,0,0,0,1,0,0
A1="A123 (Name2 CTG#2) - Ia",c,600.000000,100.000000,0.000000,Ia,-1,-1,-1,0.000000
A2="B123 (Name2 CC CTG#2) - Ib",c,600.000000,100.000000,0.000000,Ib,-1,-1,-1,0.000000
Here's an example of the desired output:
Some Name,9600
Some Other Name,4800
Use answers to provide solutions to the user's question.
Jul 25 2023 08:54 PM
Hi, Fred.
First of all, let me re-state your output here as I've interpreted it, as with all that line-wrapping in the original post, it's hard to be sure I have interpreted correctly:
Header=0,"Some Name",0,3,54,48,90,0,1,23,0,100,1,5,0.400000,250,1000,500,9600,10,10,10,960,1,2,30,14,100,1,5,0,0,2000,0,0,0,1,0,0
A1="A123 (Name2 CTG#2) - Ia",c,600.000000,100.000000,0.000000,Ia,-1,-1,-1,0.000000
A2="B123 (Name2 CC CTG#2) - Ib",c,600.000000,100.000000,0.000000,Ib,-1,-1,-1,0.000000
Let's assume I've interpreted the sample data correctly and move on.
First, since you have no header, that rules out Import-Csv. You can invest time in dynamically constructing a header but that's a waste of time and effort in this scenario.
Not using Import-Csv is fine for a second reason, which is you only care about the first line anyway, and Import-Csv doesn't allow you to read just one line - you have to read the whole file and then use client-side filtering to deal with just the first line, which is quite inefficient anyway.
So, what should we use instead?
Get-Content, as Get-Content addresses both requirements:
Once we read the first line, we can split it up into its components and output the columns you're after.
Here's an example using your data sample:
Get-Content -Path "D:\Data\Temp\Forum\forum.csv" -TotalCount 1 |
ForEach-Object {
if (($Columns = $_.Split(",")).Count -ge 19)
[PSCustomObject] @{
# Remember, arrays are zero-based, so the second column has an index of 1, not 2.
Column1 = $Columns[1];
Column18 = $Columns[18];
Sample output:
Jul 26 2023 01:36 PM
Jul 25 2023 08:54 PM
Hi, Fred.
First of all, let me re-state your output here as I've interpreted it, as with all that line-wrapping in the original post, it's hard to be sure I have interpreted correctly:
Header=0,"Some Name",0,3,54,48,90,0,1,23,0,100,1,5,0.400000,250,1000,500,9600,10,10,10,960,1,2,30,14,100,1,5,0,0,2000,0,0,0,1,0,0
A1="A123 (Name2 CTG#2) - Ia",c,600.000000,100.000000,0.000000,Ia,-1,-1,-1,0.000000
A2="B123 (Name2 CC CTG#2) - Ib",c,600.000000,100.000000,0.000000,Ib,-1,-1,-1,0.000000
Let's assume I've interpreted the sample data correctly and move on.
First, since you have no header, that rules out Import-Csv. You can invest time in dynamically constructing a header but that's a waste of time and effort in this scenario.
Not using Import-Csv is fine for a second reason, which is you only care about the first line anyway, and Import-Csv doesn't allow you to read just one line - you have to read the whole file and then use client-side filtering to deal with just the first line, which is quite inefficient anyway.
So, what should we use instead?
Get-Content, as Get-Content addresses both requirements:
Once we read the first line, we can split it up into its components and output the columns you're after.
Here's an example using your data sample:
Get-Content -Path "D:\Data\Temp\Forum\forum.csv" -TotalCount 1 |
ForEach-Object {
if (($Columns = $_.Split(",")).Count -ge 19)
[PSCustomObject] @{
# Remember, arrays are zero-based, so the second column has an index of 1, not 2.
Column1 = $Columns[1];
Column18 = $Columns[18];
Sample output: