Getting Camera Autoplay path
I'm trying to create a script to import pictures from my camera directly to my NAS, but having a problem in getting the camera path.
When I plug the camera, I see on Explorer as "Canon EOS R5" and tried to use below script I've addapted from but not giving me a path and just returning System.__ComObject...
$o = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
$rootComputerDirectory = $o.NameSpace(0x11)
$CameraFolder = $rootComputerDirectory.Items() | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "Canon EOS R5"} | select -First 1
if($CameraFolder -eq $null)
[System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show("Camera not foundin this computer. Connect your camera.")
If I list the Items on $rootComputerDirectory, I see my camera there, but can't seem to be able to find a path I could use later to copy files from the camera to my NAS.
Any ideas? How can I get the camera path to use with Copy-Item?
Was curious about this myself and found a working script!
# Windows Powershell Script to move a set of files (based on a filter) from a folder # on a MTP device (e.g. Android phone) to a folder on a computer, using the Windows Shell. # By Daiyan Yingyu, 19 March 2018, based on the (non-working) script found here: # # as referenced here: # # # This Powershell script is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. # In no event will the author be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this script. # # Again, please note that used 'as-is' this script will MOVE files from you phone: # the files will be DELETED from the source (the phone) and MOVED to the computer. # # If you want to copy files instead, you can replace the MoveHere function call with "CopyHere" instead. # But once again, the author can take no responsibility for the use, or misuse, of this script.</em> # param([string]$phoneName,[string]$sourceFolder,[string]$targetFolder,[string]$filter='(.jpg)|(.mp4)$') function Get-ShellProxy { if( -not $global:ShellProxy) { $global:ShellProxy = new-object -com Shell.Application } $global:ShellProxy } function Get-Phone { param($phoneName) $shell = Get-ShellProxy # 17 (0x11) = ssfDRIVES from the ShellSpecialFolderConstants ( # => "My Computer" — the virtual folder that contains everything on the local computer: storage devices, printers, and Control Panel. # This folder can also contain mapped network drives. $shellItem = $shell.NameSpace(17).self $phone = $shellItem.GetFolder.items() | where { $ -eq $phoneName } return $phone } function Get-SubFolder { param($parent,[string]$path) $pathParts = @( $path.Split([]::DirectorySeparatorChar) ) $current = $parent foreach ($pathPart in $pathParts) { if ($pathPart) { $current = $current.GetFolder.items() | where { $_.Name -eq $pathPart } } } return $current } $phoneFolderPath = $sourceFolder $destinationFolderPath = $targetFolder # Optionally add additional sub-folders to the destination path, such as one based on date $phone = Get-Phone -phoneName $phoneName $folder = Get-SubFolder -parent $phone -path $phoneFolderPath $items = @( $folder.GetFolder.items() | where { $_.Name -match $filter } ) if ($items) { $totalItems = $items.count if ($totalItems -gt 0) { # If destination path doesn't exist, create it only if we have some items to move if (-not (test-path $destinationFolderPath) ) { $created = new-item -itemtype directory -path $destinationFolderPath } Write-Verbose "Processing Path : $phoneName\$phoneFolderPath" Write-Verbose "Moving to : $destinationFolderPath" $shell = Get-ShellProxy $destinationFolder = $shell.Namespace($destinationFolderPath).self $count = 0; foreach ($item in $items) { $fileName = $item.Name ++$count $percent = [int](($count * 100) / $totalItems) Write-Progress -Activity "Processing Files in $phoneName\$phoneFolderPath" ` -status "Processing File ${count} / ${totalItems} (${percent}%)" ` -CurrentOperation $fileName ` -PercentComplete $percent # Check the target file doesn't exist: $targetFilePath = join-path -path $destinationFolderPath -childPath $fileName if (test-path -path $targetFilePath) { write-error "Destination file exists - file not moved:`n`t$targetFilePath" } else { $destinationFolder.GetFolder.MoveHere($item) if (test-path -path $targetFilePath) { # Optionally do something with the file, such as modify the name (e.g. removed phone-added prefix, etc.) } else { write-error "Failed to move file to destination:`n`t$targetFilePath" } } } } }
Save it as a .ps1 file and run it like this: (Adjusted it to my phone name, OnePlus Nord)
C:\temp\phone.ps1 -phoneName AC2003 -sourceFolder 'Internal shared storage\DCIM' -targetFolder c:\temp\x -filter '(.jpg)$'
It does not support recursive 😞
All credits go to the creator Daiyan!