Forum Discussion

franka2022's avatar
Copper Contributor
Dec 17, 2021

Format Output into Table



My script outputs the format as follows:



Subscription Name : DEV
Resource Group    : use2-dev-rg
SQL Server Name   : dev-rg-sql
DataBase Name     : devrg
Creation Date     : 10/22/2020 2:33:11 PM



The output above is cutoff as there are multiple resource groups.  I'd like for it to be columnar with Subscription Name, Resource Group, etc as the heading.


This is the script for output:



$dateString = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyyMMdd")
$fileName = ("AzrSQLDatabases_" + $SubscriptionName + "_" + $dateString + ".xls")
$AzureSQLBackupInventory | Out-File ("C:\Temp\" + $fileName)


Thanks in advance for your help!
