Forum Discussion
May 08, 2020Brass Contributor
Bulk update Azure AD with user attributes from CSV
I am looking for a way to update user attributes (OfficePhone and Department) for about 500 users from a CSV to AzureAD using a powershell. Does anyone know of a script that I could use? I am new her...
- May 08, 2020
Hello Jacob,
Your CSV has to look something like this:
UserPrincipalName;Department;TelephoneNumber;IT;0135113333;IT;0622222222Your Powershell code:
# Connect to AzureAD Connect-AzureAD # Get CSV content $CSVrecords = Import-Csv C:\Temp\Test.csv -Delimiter ";" # Create arrays for skipped and failed users $SkippedUsers = @() $FailedUsers = @() # Loop trough CSV records foreach ($CSVrecord in $CSVrecords) { $upn = $CSVrecord.UserPrincipalName $user = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "userPrincipalName eq '$upn'" if ($user) { try{ $user | Set-AzureADUser -Department $CSVrecord.Department -TelephoneNumber $CSVrecord.TelephoneNumber } catch { $FailedUsers += $upn Write-Warning "$upn user found, but FAILED to update." } } else { Write-Warning "$upn not found, skipped" $SkippedUsers += $upn } } # Array skipped users # $SkippedUsers # Array failed users # $FailedUsers
Good luck!
Kind Regards, Manfred de Laat
May 08, 2020Iron Contributor
Hello Jacob,
Your CSV has to look something like this:
Your Powershell code:
# Connect to AzureAD
# Get CSV content
$CSVrecords = Import-Csv C:\Temp\Test.csv -Delimiter ";"
# Create arrays for skipped and failed users
$SkippedUsers = @()
$FailedUsers = @()
# Loop trough CSV records
foreach ($CSVrecord in $CSVrecords) {
$upn = $CSVrecord.UserPrincipalName
$user = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "userPrincipalName eq '$upn'"
if ($user) {
$user | Set-AzureADUser -Department $CSVrecord.Department -TelephoneNumber $CSVrecord.TelephoneNumber
} catch {
$FailedUsers += $upn
Write-Warning "$upn user found, but FAILED to update."
else {
Write-Warning "$upn not found, skipped"
$SkippedUsers += $upn
# Array skipped users
# $SkippedUsers
# Array failed users
# $FailedUsers
Good luck!
Kind Regards, Manfred de Laat
Dec 23, 2020Copper Contributor
Manfred101i have modified your script as per my need but somehow its throwing errors, with first four field its working perfect but as i added another entries it says the "WARNING: user found, but FAILED to update. please note i have changed the delimiter as per my regional settings. any help regarding this would be appreciated.
# Connect to AzureAD
# Get CSV content
$CSVrecords = Import-Csv C:\Users\neofreedom\Desktop\Test.csv -Delimiter ","
# Create arrays for skipped and failed users
$SkippedUsers = @()
$FailedUsers = @()
# Loop trough CSV records
foreach ($CSVrecord in $CSVrecords) {
$upn = $CSVrecord.UserPrincipalName
$user = Get-AzureADUser -Filter "userPrincipalName eq '$upn'"
if ($user) {
$user | Set-AzureADUser -jobTitle $CSVrecord.jobTitle -Department $CSVrecord.Department -state $CSVrecord.state -country $ -officeLocation $CSVrecord.officeLocation -city $ -postalCode $CSVrecord.postalCode -TelephoneNumber $CSVrecord.TelephoneNumber -mobilePhone $CSVrecord.mobilePhone
$FailedUsers += $upn
Write-Warning "$upn user found, but FAILED to update."
else {
Write-Warning "$upn not found, skipped"
$SkippedUsers += $upn
# Array skipped users
# $SkippedUsers
# Array failed users
# $FailedUsers
- Manfred101Jan 04, 2021Iron Contributor
mesuhaib this script is not going to work. On line 16 you are starting a try{} block, but you are missing the catch {} part. A try always needs a catch! Check out this video: (295) Using Try/Catch Blocks In PowerShell - YouTube . You need to resolve that.
Whene you ar done fixing the try block, you can troubleshoot line 17 by commenting out the options one-by-one: (see below, in this line you only set the jobtitle and department value. Try to find where things are going wrong)
$user | Set-AzureADUser -jobTitle $CSVrecord.jobTitle -Department $CSVrecord.Department #-state $CSVrecord.state -country $ -officeLocation $CSVrecord.officeLocation -city $ -postalCode $CSVrecord.postalCode -TelephoneNumber $CSVrecord.TelephoneNumber -mobilePhone $CSVrecord.mobilePhone
Good luck!
Grtz, Manfred de Laat