Automatic Update fails - Task Sequence issue?

Copper Contributor

I have tried scheduling the WAC Update 1.3.2105.24004 via the website but it never happens.

I then remoted onto the server and found the task Sequence it created.

It is set to only run when user is logged on. 

My account is local admin on the server.


- I manually ran the task sequence and it updated fine.


2 Replies
I should also add if this is the way it has to be done, then it should say on the Updates page that you have to log onto the server for the task to run.
Can confirm this does not work. I was on my machine (with WAC on it) and ran this task a few times - none of which actually did anything. The app eventually updated itself but I could not tell when it completed. Also remember seeing a bunch of errors in that script - pointing to files that do no exist on the system drive. I did not keep any screencaps of that - but that PS Task script needs work.