Yammer is evolving to Viva Engage
Published Feb 13 2023 08:00 AM 79.4K Views

Edit on March 3/7 - Rebranding timeline has been updated and added additional details. 


Yammer has been powering community experiences in Microsoft for over a decade. In that time, we’ve seen our customers use Yammer to influence their company culture, bring employees together during times of trial, share knowledge and empower employees with a voice that positively influences change within their organizations. During this period, you’ve inspired us, you’ve shaped us, and you’ve grown with us. Six months ago, we took the first step to rebrand the Yammer Communities app for Teams to Viva Engage, to align Yammer more closely with our Viva suite of employee experiences. Since then, we’ve continued to add new functionality to both Viva Engage and the Yammer apps including storyline. Over the last several months we’ve heard your feedback that having two apps surfacing similar experiences and the same services and content has introduced confusion and made it challenging to drive adoption and create clarity for end users.

Yammer will become Viva Engage

Over the next year, Yammer experiences will be rebranded to Viva Engage to better align with Microsoft Viva and become a key pillar of the Microsoft Employee Experience Platform. We are excited that this change will unify Viva Engage across web, mobile, Teams, Outlook and other experiences. This change is a direct result of the feedback we’ve heard from you, our customers, and it will help us deliver an integrated experience and a single Viva Engage platform across apps and endpoints—wherever you choose to engage.

I want to assure you that these branding changes will not change the current capabilities, value, or pricing of Yammer for existing Microsoft 365 customers and/or M365 SKUs. All the capabilities you enjoy today with your existing M365 license will continue to be available to you, just under a new name, Viva Engage.

New features are rolling out today

In September, we announced new capabilities coming to Viva Engage that enable leadership engagement, authentic expression, corporate communications, events, and knowledge sharing & discovery. Today, these experiences begin to roll out worldwide.

Newly-released features for Viva suite customers include:

  • Storyline Announcements for leaders
  • Leadership Corner for employees
  • Ask Me Anything Events
  • Social Media #Campaigns
  • Advanced Analytics
  • Answers in Viva

Answers in Viva is also available to Viva Topics customers.



A look at the new campaigns experience in Viva Engage.

Learn more about these features here.

Getting the new features

- Native Mode: The new experiences require Native Mode, and soon we will require all networks to be upgraded to Native Mode to allow users, groups, and content to be compatible with and mapped to their counterparts in Azure Active Directory and Microsoft 365. Learn more about what this change means and how to plan your upgrade.

- New Admin Center: Admins will see a new Viva Engage Admin Center where they are able to complete tasks and assign roles and responsibilities for licensed Viva Suite users. Learn more about these new admin actions here.


What’s next for Viva Engage

In 2023, all of Yammer will evolve to become Viva Engage, retiring the Yammer brand. The first phase will start in March with updates to the Communities app for Outlook and a banner to announce the rebrand in Yammer mobile apps for iOS and Android.

In March the Communities app for Outlook will be updated to reflect Viva Engage branding. This change will happen automatically, with no action necessary to see this update.

In April, the Yammer mobile apps for iOS and Android will be renamed Viva Engage to provide a native mobile-first experience that’s optimized for social sharing and rich media. You will need to update the app to see the changes.

As we refine the timeline beyond March for the remaining Yammer endpoints to be rebranded to Viva Engage, we will continue to share details with you.

Join us for a Viva Engage AMA

The Viva Engage product and engineering teams look forward to building the future of this product with you throughout this year and beyond. To learn more about the changes announced today, join me February 23rd for an AMA with the product leaders from the Viva Engage team.




So, what can you expect to happen next?

The rebrand to Viva Engage will happen in phases throughout 2023, with the Outlook and mobile apps to change first, followed by the web experience. Here’s a brief timeline:

  • February: You can expect an in-app rebrand banner to appear in the Yammer mobile app giving you advance notice of the change.
  • March: The Communities app in Outlook will also be rebranded to Viva Engage.
  • April: The Yammer mobile app becomes Viva Engage. It’ll still be discoverable as Yammer for a while (e.g., in Apple’s Spotlight Search). You can expect an in-app rebrand banner to appear in the Yammer.com web experience giving you advance notice of the change.
  • June 2023: The Yammer.com web experience becomes Viva Engage, with a few UX/UI enhancements. The Yammer.com URL will remain for a while as the team makes additional backend updates. The PWA (desktop app) will be rebranded. 
  • Later in 2023: Yammer.com URLs will be updated. We plan to support redirection for legacy URLs so that existing links and integrations continue to function.

Like all rebrands, this shift will take time. As we complete the rebrand of Yammer to Viva Engage, you can expect a familiar experience. All the existing functionality you love, along with the latest features, remain the same. We’ll share updates along the way to keep you informed. If you need assets for your rebranding efforts, check out the Rebranding Toolkit. 

Thank you for being our partner and guide on this journey. While this begins the retirement of our storied Yammer brand, it marks a thrilling new beginning for us to co-create with you experiences that will revolutionize the way your employees connect and thrive at work.




Where can I get help setting up Viva Engage?
Reach out to FastTrack, your account manager, or learn how to deploy Yammer/Viva Engage here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/yammer/configure-your-yammer-network/configure-yammer

You can also find helpful adoption materials at Viva Engage – Microsoft Adoption . We will continue to add materials for customers to use for communication and training as more capabilities become available.


Will the same content moderation and other admin policies set in Yammer be transferred over to Viva Engage?
Yes, all administrative policies and capabilities will remain.

Copper Contributor

How will this impact the "Yam this" feature on SPO? 

@BrentMarson  "Yam this?" You mean the Promote feature where you can choose Yammer as one of the promotional options? I assume that'll be renamed to Viva Engage over time. Same for the web parts.

Iron Contributor

Since the big news, I've already received direct messages asking - What features will automatically *for free be available to All customers and what features will be available at an extra cost/ premium - can someone from the Yammer/Viva team please clarify in the comments section so I can rely, thank you.



@Bernie Murtagh  Those premium features announced today are for users with the Viva Suite license only.


What's not changing with the rebrand are the features and experiences you already have available today in Yammer.



Iron Contributor

Thank you Kevin, I did share that these looked like 'premium' features but would double check and most probably would not be available across the generic M365 E1 to E3 licence plans which include Yammer, thank you for clarifying @Kevin Crossman as my current customer is big on reducing costs and only pay/issue E1 basic Yammer licences so these new features would not apply to this particular business.


Iron Contributor

A question to Microsoft: What will the GUI look like once the rebranding is completed? Will it be the current Yammer interface with the communities overview on the left side or will it be the Viva Engage interface with the communities overview in two separate menus on the right side of the feed?


Regarding the name change, I am conflicted: I do understand Microsoft's strategic intent behind this change and it definitely wasn't sustainable to have two brands for the exact same content/platform but I must say that I'm disappointed that Microsoft wants to throw away the Yammer brand that communicators worldwide invested so much in.


"Have you seen this on Yammer?" vs. "Have you seen this on Viva Engage?" I would love to hear from someone who actually prefers the latter, especially in a global company. 


Iron Contributor

Consistent wording for a smooth landing/transition

  • How do we support end users with this change in name?
  • Is there a consistent 'strapline' / paragraph that the Product team can share on here which really brings to life the value of this change and that we can all start to share from the beginning of March pls?

New deployments 

If a business wants to deploy Yammer from as early as March, what is your recommendation in regards to the name, materials, training etc, e.g. go in and launch as 'Yammer' with the disclaimer the this brand name will change completely to Viva Engage by the end of 2023 or go in and launch as 'Viva Engage' from the beginning? 

Copper Contributor

Will Yammer conversations be saved and accessible in Viva Engage? Or do we start from scratch? 

@timreading2112  Yammer and Viva Engage are the same thing. If you have Yammer today and you go to Teams to use the Viva Engage app you'll see the same communities and messages.

Brass Contributor

Not so positive news for non Viva Suite customers. Can't really see any benefits, only confusion and more challenging to drive adoption and create clarity for end users. 

Copper Contributor

Microsofts mascot should be a pig with lipstick because all these half assed relaunches and alleged new products are lipstick on a pig. 

maybe invest time in making loop (or whatever name it has today because it changes all the time) actually work years after a dazzling ignite that sparked sputtered and died.  

ps. When you do these re-brands don’t do them half assed get everything working and the one big solid launch at one time all this does is create confusion and you look sloppy because you are.

Copper Contributor

@MuraliSitaram At the United Nations we use Yammer external networks quite intensively. What are the concrete changes and plans for external networks over the next 12 to 24 months?

Copper Contributor

Will the new Viva Engage offer translation options for posts on the platform? Microsoft has come a long way with Live Captions (in spoken and written language) in Teams Meetings. Could similar tech be applied to Yammer (Viva Engage) posts? Or is there a workaround to translate posts that already exists?

Iron Contributor

How do we disable the large banner that is appearing on our Yammer site today with a link to the announcement?  It talks about all the features, none of which we have any plans to deploy, and will end up causing a bunch of questions/calls to our help desk?

Iron Contributor

I want to second Christopher's request. This banner needs to help us ease our employees through this name change. As the banner is today it does not fulfill that role because A. the linked page is only available in English and B. the linked page is not written for employees at all but reads like a sales pitch for decision makers.

In the Viva Engage AMA you told us that the decision to rebrand Yammer into Viva Engage has been made only very recently. Please stop rushing this or you will burn all the goodwill of our employees, our decision-makers and all of us IT, HR and Comms professionals who championed your product Yammer. You want your product to succeed. We want our employees to succeed. Talk with us to avoid misteps like this!

Iron Contributor

Tweak the recent banner please!


My suggestion / recommendation here is simply to put on the banner - Yammer will soon be rebranded as Viva Engage, we are keeping all the features you already love and use to connect at scale.


The core strategy uses of Yammer centred around Community | Leadership engagement | Communications | Knowledge sharing remain as our vision, we're simply bringing all this and more under a new brand name called Viva Engage!


Timelines include....(list at a very high level here)

Copper Contributor

How evolving to Viva Engage will affect Yammer Rest API? Will it remain the same or it will be brand new API?

Iron Contributor

Same re banner. I thought it was coming in March, and told internal comms so. They then messaged me this morning saying 'oh you mean THIS banner?'. Followed shortly after, by the Tech team. 

All unneeded comms. :\

Iron Contributor

I'm confused. I saw the banner this morning and I've been rushing to get our internal news story and assets ready to coincide with "the banner" and now I can't see it anymore. Did it get removed?

Iron Contributor

I'm also not seeing the banner anymore. Kudos to the Microsoft team if that was a conscious decision. Extra-kudos if you will now create a convincing change story for our employees and will well us what the new banner will say and where it will link to a few days before you actually launch it.

Copper Contributor

its okej

Copper Contributor

I'd like to second @skovalev1995 question about Yammer API.


Will there be any impact on the Rest and Export API after the rebranding

Steel Contributor

@Erik_Browning @skovalev1995 - Sorry we missed this earlier - 


Viva Engage: API 

Q: Will the legacy Yammer API continue to function as this change is rolled out? We are using it extensively. Thank you! 

A: Current Yammer API's will continue to work against both Yammer and Engage. 


(We held an AMA and towards the end of this blog post collated a bunch of the FAQs) Hope this helps! 


Rebranding toolkit available and how to prepare your network for the Viva Engage Rebrand - Microsoft...

Version history
Last update:
‎Mar 07 2023 11:55 AM
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