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Re: system resources exceeded error
ppaton open record sets may be the explanation. My code is lengthy mostly sql but it does have record set in it. Even now as I have worked around the problem of resources exceeded by creating smaller temporary tables to work with, I do get code stopping occassionallly at an open record set command. It goes into debug mode, and I just hit F5 a couple of times to continue and let it finish without problems. I must not have a record set close command. I’ll take a look. Thanks11KViews0likes0CommentsRe: system resources exceeded error
Jake104E82 thanks. the problem first arose after MS had installed a W10 upgrade in about October. As explained before, my Access processes were able to run after I had closed all MS applications. but without closing everything, system resources exceeded and they stop.15KViews1like0CommentsRe: system resources exceeded error
Daniel_Pineault Thanks. My computer is 3 years old. 1.80GHZ Intel Core. My theory is that after the error went when I closed teams, outlook etc, as the error did not appear, that this is a memory issue. Once the world replaces their computers, Microsoft won't have a problem to fix.15KViews0likes0CommentsRe: system resources exceeded error
Jake104E thanks. I think also that W10 is the problem. It first started when W10 had an update on my computer, but at the same time, MS updated Office (to an Office 365 version). The W10 update was in October. I do not own Office 365 and a number of days later, the Office 365 version disappeared (I don’t know how, but didn’t bother to research), and my Office returned to the version. After the initial update, the system resources error appeared, and has remained. The error comes when my VB code is accessing large data tables. I closed Teams, Outlook, Excel and Word, then ran my access code, and it went through without error. In an another run, accessing a different larger table, the error appeared though. Since my access has not been changed, the problem can only be W10.82KViews0likes4CommentsRe: system resources exceeded error
George_Hepworth hello, George. Is this matter being looked into at MS to your knowledge? First time user, and I don’t know the procedure. This is an obvious problem but I don’t know if this forum is just a discussion that is trying to find work arounds rather than the supplier dealing with the problem. If it is just a forum for solutions, do you know how one would tell MS about this? My contacts with MS online chat and by phone have been to their staff who in essence told me they don’t know the answer as Access is a specialist product, and I have to pay MS a fee to have it investigated. Unsatisfactory. Today, after splitting my archive table and successfully using the smaller table of more current data, today I turned to access the larger second table in a query, and it failed due to system resources exceeded. MS Access is not functional any longer. To anyone who reads this post, this is not a trivial complaint, but it goes to the core failure of MS to be able to handle data in its application that it has always been able to over the last 20 years. Even though this a MS forum, does any reader know of a similar application to Access that I can buy as Access is now not usable. thanks Neville83KViews1like1CommentRe: system resources exceeded error
gnarlesv yes, this is when it started for me. Last Thursday week, MS updated Win 10, and they also have me Office 365 (for no apparent reason Office 365 went off my system on Wednesday, whether MS did it in the background I don’t know). I use Office 2016 Professional, and now my machine is running Office 2016 Professional again. The issue still remains. To get around resources exceeded problem, I have had to write code to work around queries and table updates to my archive table. This is unsatisfactory. The database is made to query data, not to fail because of record count. My code is failing in many spots and it is extremely difficult to do work arounds. I did find that some of the “exceeded” errors can be prevented by closing other MS apps. I almost got through an entire process after closing teams, outlook and excel. That is unsatisfactory. I didn’t buy a good quality computer to have to close applications to be able to use Access. If unwinding the update resolves the problem, I’m eager to hear.83KViews1like0CommentsRe: system resources exceeded error
George_Hepworth Thanks. First, in your first reply, you said version 2010. Do you mean I should install Access 2010? I am using Access 2016. Second reply, in Run command, I entered Start.exe /affinity 1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\MSACCESS.EXE d:\Documents\Racing Is says Cannot find Start.exe (I am not a programmer. ) The more I try work arounds in my DB, the worse it appears to be. The table where the system resources exceeded error appeared had 400,000 records. I managed to move out 300,000 of these records into another archive file. Yesterday, my DB was mostly working with the cut down 100,000 record size table. Occasionally, system resources when using it in form queries, but I closed that form and didn't bother proceeding with that one. TodayI am trying to devise other work arounds that will allow me to continue to add more records to this table, by Copying the 100,000 file to a temp file, clean out original, do my updating to original which has 0 records, then return the temp records. But now, Access won't even let me do the Copy of the original table, reporting system resources exceeded. This issue only arose after a W10 update, and then MS updated my Office programs on Thursday. The MS help people are no use, claiming no knowledge. Thank you so much for your assistance. Neville Aganoff83KViews0likes0CommentsRe: system resources exceeded error
gnarlesv This is the same issue I have. MS will not help me. My system was upgraded yesterday and since then my Access code is failing due to this error. I thought my table was corrupted. After rebuilding it and removing all bar 100,000 records, it still does it. There is something dreadfully wrong with probably Win 10 as this problem only appeared rarely in Access since the W10 update. My access table which is called when the system resources exceeded error occurs had 386,000 records before W10 update, but after W10 update, it now stops. As I said, I culled it back to 100,000 records and for some code, it runs, but for others it now stops with that error. The program DOES NOT WORK, and MS does not want to help. I support your complaint.83KViews1like8Comments
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