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Re: Powerpoint 365 Keeps uploading to Classic Stream
This option still seems to be there and no sign of it changing in any of the release notes (Release notes for Current Channel releases - Office release notes | Microsoft Learn). As this was the method that our staff and students used to upload a lot of their videos there is nothing to stop them continuing to do this, even though legacy stream shouldn't be allowing new uploads. This post was in June, it is now November. Why hasn't this option been removed?Re: Migrating from Stream (Classic) Group channels
Thanks Karen. I was aware I could do this, but this still requires a lot of work from me. I've got to change the ownership of hundreds of videos manually (as you said in your first post). I've then got to migrate the videos and either deal with creating the permissions for each of the large number of sharepoints and moving the video files and do this relatively quickly in case students realise they are owners of the files. All of this requires a lot of micro-management and time. Whereas if the migration tool could migrate videos from a group channel this could all be done very quickly.Migrating from Stream (Classic) Group channels
We have 21,000 videos in Stream (Classic). Most of our videos are in group channels rather than 'company wide' channels. We use group channels so the videos for a particular teaching department could only be accessed by students and teachers in those groups. The creators of the videos within each channel vary and in some cases they've left. We would like to be able to migrate videos by selecting each group channel and choosing a Sharepoint to move them to but there doesn't appear to be a way to do this. If there was this would be a huge time-saver. Without this it will make the migration of our videos extremely difficult. The difficulties we have are: 1) If we migrate to the individual one drives this will also include hundreds of Teams meetings (we recorded all lessons during lockdowns) and then each of those staff members has to manage the move of those videos into Sharepoint whilst being careful they're not making private meetings available to others. 2) When the migration tool supports 'orphaned' videos I understand that it will move all the orphaned videos into one location - they won't be categorised and all the thousands of videos created by ex-staff will be in one folder. It is going to take many many hours for us to find the videos for each department out of all those videos. If we could migrate the videos from a group channel to a location this would resolve these issues for us. Please can you consider this as an option?
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