Recent Blog ArticlesMost RecentMost LikesRe: A new look for Microsoft Teams Rooms on Windows YusukeToyamaQR there was an update to the admin centre on March 7th saying they are changing this. I have copied and pasted the info below it will now be opt-in. To allow customers to prepare f...Re: Welcome to the new Whiteboard! Krishnakumar_Monce you sign into the desktop app you do not need to save as it is automatically saved to your OneDrive. Re: Enrolling Microsoft Teams Rooms on Windows devices with Microsoft Endpoint Manager Sorry i had not read everything our situation was a little different. We had 3 new units brand new out of box and had updated the latest Teams client on them before running all of the windows update...Re: Enrolling Microsoft Teams Rooms on Windows devices with Microsoft Endpoint Manager We ran into this as well. Unfortunately nothing we tried worked there seems to be some issue with the current version of the Teams app and the Core PC getting updated to 21H2. We had to use the ...Re: Unified Whiteboard experience coming to Surface Hub HaraldRaui admit it is too bad easy share has gone away but when all the updates are done i have been told this is only going to effect you running from the whiteboard app itself. You will have to ...Re: Unified Whiteboard experience coming to Surface Hub Ryan WollHaraldRau I think it actually depends on what status you tenant is in. We do alot of work with Surface Hubs and have multiple test / production tenants. Our current findings are If the ...Re: Enrolling Microsoft Teams Rooms on Windows devices with Microsoft Endpoint Manager SaschaBanzThank you for the response. This is good to know i 'assumed' it should work fine but wanted to see if anyone has tried it. Intune_Support_TeamI forgot to@ mention you on my comment....Re: Enrolling Microsoft Teams Rooms on Windows devices with Microsoft Endpoint Manager Thank you for the post this is great information. One quick question though, many customers may wish the device name of the MTR to match some information about the room just so it is easier to ident...Re: Unified Whiteboard experience coming to Surface Hub yoabarGreat article and finally gives a pretty complete answer to how and when the new whiteboard is rolling out. Just one quick question in our own tenant i have a couple of test hubs and one i...Re: Welcome to the new Whiteboard! Ian MikutelJasminRashidsince the blog came from Ian and i have seen some feedback from Jasmin on questions i am wondering if you can provide an update on when we will see this experience in Teams m...