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Re: Edge favorites menu
Elliot Kirk to be specific and clarify, the current Edge method is faster and a nicer method -- a better UX. It also makes sorting faster. Win-Win. But it requires that toolbar icon (#1 in the attached image ). Also, note that the "Favorites Bar" is a folder in Favorites and not expanded by default.4.5KViews0likes18CommentsNeed better sort of FAVs
We can sort FAVs now, but only by selecting 3 menu options, then making sure to RIGHT-click ONLY in an empty area to the right of the listing of Favorites. Not intuitive. Not a good UX. The required menu sequence and sorting process are not obvious at any step. We need to be able to quickly sort by a context ( right-click) menu on any Favorite listed at "Settings & More, Favorites. (The added mouse clicks for that FAVs listing is very annoying too. The current Edge UI for that is far superior)635Views0likes1CommentRe: Edge favorites menu
Deleted totally agree! @Elliot Kirk The current Edge handling of Favorites is far better than Chrome's and Edge Dev or Canary (I use both for testing). I also want "Favorites Bar" to be just one entry ("folder") under Favorites, not to subsume all Favorites. That's ridiculous and frustrating! I mean this is a Borg menu -- "Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated -- into the Favorites Bar". I mean, C'mon! :D8.7KViews4likes0Comments
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