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how to get SP site contents list ?but getting blank values from SP in SPFX webpart
Hi Team, I am trying to get SP Site contents list (Get SP lists) using React component framework but getting blank Please find the below code file //this is WebPart Render method File public render(): void { const element: React.ReactElement<IGetSpListsProps> = React.createElement( GetSpLists, { description:, websiteUrl: this.context.pageContext.web.absoluteUrl }); ReactDom.render(element, this.domElement); } //Component Interface file export interface IGetSpListsProps { description: string; websiteUrl: string; } //Component TSX file export interface IGetSpListsState{ sitecontents: [{"Lists":""}] } export default class GetSpLists extends React.Component<IGetSpListsProps, IGetSpListsState> { static siteurl:string =""; //static member variable public constructor (props :IGetSpListsProps, state:IGetSpListsState ){ super(props); this.state={sitecontents: [{"Lists":""}]}; GetSpLists.siteurl=this.props.websiteUrl; } public componentDidMount() { let reactcontexthandiler= this; jquery.ajax({ url: `${GetSpLists.siteurl}/_api/web/lists?select=Title&$filter=Hidden eq true`, type:"GET", headers:{'Accept': 'application/json;odata=verbose;'}, success : function (resultData){ reactcontexthandiler.setState({sitecontents: resultData.d.results}); }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorthrown){ } }); } public render(): React.ReactElement<IGetSpListsProps> { return ( <div> <ol> {,mylistitemkey){ return( <li> <span>{mylists.Lists}</span> </li>); }) } </ol> </div> );}} Please find the output which it shows for the above piece of code please assist me why it shows blank
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