Recent Blog ArticlesMost RecentMost LikesRe: Announcing General Availability of Inbound SMTP DANE with DNSSEC for Exchange Online Unable to follow these instructions as Microsoft hosts my DNS and doesn't allow me to edit my MX record. I would imagine hosting DNS at Microsoft should have made this more automatic, not less...Re: Authenticate Outbound Email to Improve Deliverability Where does MS stand on DMARC aggregation? Do we expect to continue to need a third party provider to do this, or is there any plan for aggregation and forensic tools to come into the M365 umbrella a...Re: Send "How-to guides" to your organization from Attack Simulation training Suggestions for more guides that customers ask for often enough: Utilizing Junk Mail Options Creating Inbox Rules End user quarantine operations Re: Email Protection Basics in Microsoft 365: Anti-malware, Safe Attachments, and Quarantine With how many things in MDO point to "use an ETR to be more conditional here" it sure would be nice if "redirect to hosted quarantine" would adopt the quarantine policy drop down to allow more granul...Re: Simplifying the Quarantine Experience - Part Two LOL updates on this thread are being quarantined. Re: Simplifying the Quarantine Experience - Part Two FaithEbenezerOquong Please ensure that your support channel is capable of handling these requests, they seem unable to: "Hello Chris, This is Gabriel with Microsoft 365 Support. I see you a...