Recent Blog ArticlesMost RecentMost LikesScale Azure Databricks secure network access to Azure Data Lake Storage In this blog we discuss about a solution to securely scare the access to Azure Data Lake Storage from multiple Azure Databricks workspaces running in your own Azure Virtual Network through VNet injec...Serverless URL Shortener Building a URL shortener is much easier now using the Serverless technologies in Azure. Build intelligence in your eCommerce applications using Azure Open AI Check out how you can use Azure Open AI to bring better experience to your customers by adding intelligence to your applications Re: Serverless URL Shortener HowardvanRooijenYes, Azure Container Apps is a viable alternative to consolidate. At the same time, we need to keep running at least one Container Apps and scale significantly to handle the load in ...Re: Serverless URL Shortener jfmatthThank you! I updated the design now to use Azure Static Web Apps for Single Page Application and Azure Front Door Standard instead of Premium. Similarly, you can skip Front Door and use St...