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Network error when trying to access website files
I have a website using anonymous authentication with files on a network share and an Active Directory service account configured for "Connect As". The website works, but when I try to open the default website in IIS Manager, instead of showing the files it throws an error message "Network error". Same issue when I try to create a Virtual Folder. I thought it may have been an account issue, but using this account on another IIS instance in exactly the same way, with the same physical path, works as expected. Kind of stuck, don't know where to go from here. Thanks in advance!518Views0likes0CommentsOraOLEDB Linked Servers work with one SA login but not another
I am running SQL Server 2019 with a few dozen MSSQL, Teradata and Oracle linked servers on several Windows Server 2016 machines (different environments - dev, test, etc.). All linked servers are set up to use remote user id and password for all logins. SET @SQL = N'EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname=@ServerName,@useself=N''False'',@locallogin=NULL,@rmtuser=@UserName,@rmtpassword=@Password' EXEC $(TargetServer).master.dbo.sp_executesql @stmt=@SQL ,@params = N'@ServerName nvarchar(250), @UserName nvarchar(250), @Password nvarchar(250)' ,@ServerName=@ServerName ,@UserName=@UserName ,@Password=@Password On one of these servers will only the login that installed the Oracle Client software can connect to the Oracle servers. A different login, also SA on the server, gets the "Cannot create an instance of OLE DB provider for linked server" (7302) error on sp_testlinkedserver. Test Connection by Windows admin login: Test Connection by Another SA1.2KViews0likes1Comment
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