Recent DiscussionsMost RecentNewest TopicsMost LikesSolutionsTagged:TagRe: Browser Essentials - Icon RemovalThank you, we would also like to hide it with GPOs or registry settings for our users.How to search for IP addresses in One Note Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise OneNote 2109 When I try to search for IP addresses (eg or "") I don't get any result. I can search for everything else, eg dates like 15.07.2021
Recent Blog ArticlesMost RecentMost LikesRe: Released: 2023 H1 Cumulative Update for Exchange Server Martin_Wildi The Windows PowerShell Script Execution Policy ist not a security measurement, it's purely a safety net to not execute "foreign" scripts by mistake. Any batch script can bypass the Ex...Re: By popular demand: Windows LAPS available now! Mark_HeitbrinkThank you your clarification. I also knew about ADMX and server roles. It just baffled me, that ADMX are distributed by a Windows update and if that's a regular thing that I never kne...Re: By popular demand: Windows LAPS available now! Mark_HeitbrinkClarification: I was talking after a task after windows updates, so I am clearly only talking about that, not 3rd party admx files, Office ADMX etc. And as I said, all except 8 files ...Re: By popular demand: Windows LAPS available now! JaySimmons: I never had to copy ADMX/ADML fromC:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions to our integrated C:\Windows\SYSVOL\domain\Policies\PolicyDefinitions before. I got curious and I found only a small nu...Re: By popular demand: Windows LAPS available now! @jaegerschnitzelDid you wait for replication to finish or started replication manually? The replication takes some time. Re: By popular demand: Windows LAPS available now! If you enabled Password History, you can get the passwword with this command Get-LapsADPassword -Identity computerName -AsPlainText -IncludeHistory Re: Microsoft Edge and Adobe partner to improve the PDF experience The included PDF viewer in Edge has not enough features, so this is very welcome. Finally we don't need to maintain/update Reader/Acrobat anymore and just use WSUS to maintain Edge.