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Question: Script to see if device is Azure AD joined
We often receive notebooks that are still joined to a Azure AD tenant. Is there a (simple) Powershell script that shows if a device is still joined to a tenant? Knowing which exact tenant the device is registered to is a nice-to-have but not required. FYI, we already tried the cmd command 'dsregcmd' but unfortunately the output was not reliable. We found multiple occasions where dsregcmd claimed the device was not Azure AD joined while it definitely was.Re: Question: Script to remove a specific device from MEM (Intune) and Azure AD
Harm_VeenstraJust reaching out as we're having some issues with the script you previously shared. In short, when using the 'Remove-AutopilotDevice'-script, we receive an error when the device was pre-provisioned through Autopilot. It's a "400 Bad Request"-error that reads "Cannot delete device with ztd id [...] and accountId [...] and device Id [...] because it has registration status as Registered with IsManaged status True" Any tips?33KViews0likes3CommentsRe: Question: Script to remove a specific device from MEM (Intune) and Azure AD
Hi Harm, thank you very much. This worked beautifully! I like this particular script because the number of lines of code is limited and it only took +/- 5 minutes of waiting time for the removal of the device to take effect in the tenant. I have two additional questions though: 1. After running the "[...] Remove-AutopilotDevice"-command, it prompts me to log in with a user account. While the company branding is showing, it does not specify the exact tenant (e.g. Would there be a command to show the current tenant of the device? 2. The "[...]Remove-AzureADDevice"-command relies on the COMPUTERNAME and the Azure AD Object name to be identical. Could there be a possibility that these are not identical and if so, how could we go about this? Again, many thanks for your input!33KViews1like5CommentsRe: Question: Script to remove a specific device from MEM (Intune) and Azure AD
Thank you Harm! Quick question, I believe in the script you posted for the removal of the Azure AD device we would need the COMPUTERNUME variable, right? What if we don't have that? I've received multiple possible solutions through other channels as well and will test these May 12th. I will report back afterwards. 🙂33KViews0likes8CommentsQuestion: Script to remove a specific device from MEM (Intune) and Azure AD
I am looking for a script to fully remove an (Autopilot) device from a Microsoft tenant. The goal is to remove a specific device that I have physical access to from both Microsoft Endpoint Manager (Intune) and Azure AD. I want to accomplish this by running a (PowerShell) script on the device itself. The script should return output to indicate success or failure. Please keep the following parameters in mind: Before running the script, I have access to the physical device and I know the serial number of the device. I do not know the deviceID or tenant of the specific device, but I do have an Intune Admin account in the tenant where the device sits. The device is an Autopilot device. I do not want to log into the Microsoft tenant directly but only run scripts from the device itself. Thank you very much, looking forward to any tips this community has to offer!Solved
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