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Tech Community Live: Microsoft Security

Event Ended
Tuesday, Dec 03, 2024, 07:00 AM PST

Event details

Ask us anything about simplified, end-to-end, AI-driven protection with Microsoft Security!

Catch up on the latest security product innovations at Microsoft Ignite, then join us here to get answers to your questions. Engineering and product teams will answering live, providing insights on camera and in chat. We're here to help!

All sessions are now available on demand

All Ask Microsoft Anything (AMA) sessions are now available to view at your convenience. Select your desired topic below. We'll leave the Comments open on each session page through 12:00 p.m. Pacific Time on Friday for more of your questions and ideas. 

Tech Community Live: Microsoft Security edition - December 3, 2024


Updated Dec 03, 2024
  • IemSaifi's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    its was a good webinar and i learned alot from the webinar.. thanks team..!

  • ChillBill77's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Security CoPilot both uses SCU's for processing but also LogAnalytics Workspaces. 
    Where will the results be stored? and what is stored, the RAW data from the retrieval or just the end result?

  • ebstes's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Is there a sessionid entraid? Does a user gets sessionid to track user activity based on user signin and track user activity via auditlogs on the same sessionid. I have seen correlationid but it’s not the same. 

      • xinatnetskope's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        There is a session ID in Entra GSA traffic logs. This is used to indicate an end user's traffic session. This is different from the Entra GSA audit logs, which is used to track Entra portal admin activities. The audit logs and traffic logs have different use cases and the information included in the logs are not correlated. Hope this answers the question. Thanks.

Date and Time
Dec 3, 20247:00 AM - 11:30 AM PST